If there’s one thing that The Real Housewives of New York City has taught us over the years, it’s that nothing keeps Countess Luann de Lesseps down for long.
We all know that capitalism is the root of evil in the world, which is the only possible explanation for these dolls that are allegedly supposed to look like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
We’re really going to need an upgrade on our health insurance plan, because there’s a 100% chance these Kardashian pregnancies are going to give us a heart attack.
Christmas is the time of year when all the most annoying people in your life usually decide to get engaged, and apparently famous people are no different.
Last week, we discussed how Selena Gomez’s family was reportedly not super thrilled about her reunion with Justin Bieber, and how they probably weren’t spending Christmas together because of the tensions.
President Trump’s Twitter definitely takes the cake for most problematic social media account of all time anyone in his family, but Donald Trump Jr.’s Instagram might be a close second.
Since Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez got back together this fall, there have been very few details and lots of speculation about the particulars of their relationship 2.0.
With all the Kardashian pregnancy news going around, it can be easy to forget that our favorite kind-of-member of the family, Scott, is still just busy being a hoe.
This fall, while everyone has been busy talking about the Mueller investigation and when Trump will get indicted, we’ve been focused on investigating something more important: the mysterious Kardashian pregnancies.