Sara cares about a few things, including cheese, cheap white wine (never chardonnay), and the Real Housewives of Potomac. She co-hosts Betches' Not Another True Crime Podcast and posts her tweets to Instagram.
When the weather is getting colder and you start emerging from the office at the end of the day while it’s already pitch black out, you might be thinking it’s time to plan a getaway.
Ahead of the premiere of the Kardashians’ new eponymous reality show on Hulu, Kim Kardashian earned herself a slew of (mostly bad) press due to her comments about work ethic, which she made to Variety.
The links are independently placed and do not influence editorial content. Do we need another lofty introduction or are you all familiar with the concept of my reading lists at this point?
The weather is getting colder, and I don't know about you, but the only thing I'm doing this winter is curling up with a good book. Now if only I could find a fireplace... In any case, there are plenty of books that are out or coming out soon.
If you’re not one who could be described as “extremely online”, you may have missed the past week’s worth of discourse over something called “Who Is The Bad Art Friend?,” a New York Times piece that detailed a years-long back-and-forth, culminating in lawsuits, between two writers.
If there’s one thing the pandemic has illuminated, it’s that celebrities really aren’t just like us, and people are growing sick and tired of the rich and famous trying to pretend otherwise.
Celebrities are really just not like us, a fact they continue to prove every day in their little interviews and their little Insta stories showing their not-at-all-little mansions.
In the latest story of white privilege gone wild, an Ohio man has been charged with three counts of battery following an incident on a Frontier Airlines flight.
The Kardashians have been getting praised for doing the bare minimum for years, what with the rampant appropriation and the dry, overpriced lip kits that net them billion-dollar companies and the reality show that hasn’t been interesting in years and the… no you’re right I’ll stop, otherwise we’ll be here for hours.
Dear New Friend, When we connected in line at the pharmacy over the insufferable wait time, I thought this friendship could be the beginning of something gr—well, not great, but..
If you, like many others, have not stopped thinking about Britney Spears since Framing Britney Spears came out, you may be eager to learn that there should be some very important updates in the conservatorship happening soon.