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Everything We Know About 'Survivor' Season 50

With season 50 of Survivor not too far off on the horizon, the legendary island face-off series will have nearly as many years under its belt as its famous host. Season 46 is being hailed by Survivor-heads as easily the best of the new era, with the cutthroat cast living up to the season’s unofficial theme: “Trust no one.” Even though season 46 is still underway, and there are still quite a few to go until the show reaches its over-the-hill benchmark, that hasn’t stopped stans from begging Jeff Probst for any crumb of intel he may have on the highly anticipated season years in advance.

And as always, Jeff Probst delivered, by giving fans a little something to get excited about ahead of the 2026 eventual premiere. Though most details still remain unknown, Jeff confirmed hardcore fans’ theories that the fiftieth iteration would finally bring back another all-star cast. So who exactly is coming back and when will the Survivor-verse find out? Here’s everything we know about Survivor season 50.

What is the theme of Survivor season 50?

While the specific theme is still TBD, Probst recently got a little excited at a Q&A and decided to spill the beans anyway. Apparently, the network had nearly committed to a cast of returnees but wasn’t 100% percent locked in. Jeff turned to the audience with “an idea” which was to tell the crowd and fans at home that the Survivor team was highly favoring the idea of another all-star season though nothing had been decided yet, but if the fans liked this idea that would seal the deal. So basically Jeff kinda sorta forced the network’s hand to make an all-star cast official by announcing it before it was locked in. Bold move, Just Peachy.

How will the Survivors season 50 all-stars be chosen?

All-stars could be chosen by a number of factors, but die-hard fans are hoping/wishing/praying that teasing the season this early indicates a fan-selected cast where the players will be chosen in advance by a public vote. Others are saying an obvious move would be pitting the New Era rookies against some of the beloved OGs. I’m not saying Mike White would be a realistic get, but White Lotus is already filming in Thailand, in case anyone at CBS wants to pick an island next door. Plus, if Traitors taught us anything, it’s that Sandra is dying to game again.

When will season 50 air?

The series is set to begin filming in May of 2025 and will air sometime in the spring of 2026. Good things come to those who wait, right?

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.