Image Credit: NBC

Your Work Bestie Might Be the Only Reason You Haven’t Quit Yet

Work can be a lot. Whether it’s juggling deadlines, navigating office politics, or just trying to stay awake through yet another meeting that could’ve been an email, the 9-to-5 grind is no joke. And while a good paycheck or solid benefits might keep you from jumping ship, there’s one thing that really keeps most people going: their work bestie.

You know who I’m talking about — the person who sits next to you (or is a constant in your Slack DMs) and makes work feel less like a soul-crushing necessity and more like… a slightly tolerable way to pay your bills. Turns out, this isn’t just a “you thing.” A recent Bumble For Friends survey found that for a huge chunk of Gen Z and Millennials, their work bestie isn’t just a fun perk — it’s the only reason they haven’t rage-quit their jobs.

Half of Us Would Leave If Our Work Bestie Did

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Image Credit: USA Network
According to the survey, 50% of Gen Z and Millennial respondents said they would quit their job if it weren’t for their work bestie. Yes, half. That’s a pretty wild stat when you think about it. It means your company’s fancy standing desks, free snacks, and occasional “self-care” emails from HR aren’t doing nearly as much for employee retention as Brenda from Marketing, who shares TikToks that perfectly encapsulate your shared existential dread.

And honestly? It makes sense. The average workday can be draining, and without someone to share the highs (free bagels in the breakroom!) and lows (another mandatory meeting at 4:30 p.m.?), the office can start to feel like a prison with fluorescent lighting. Your work bestie is the person who makes all of that bearable — and sometimes, even fun.

Work Besties Keep You Sane

Having a work bestie isn’t just good for company retention, it’s good for your mental health. A whopping 76% of Gen Z and Millennial respondents said their work bestie helps reduce their work-related stress. And let’s be real: You’re not going to rant about your boss’s 17th unnecessary email to someone in HR or even your childhood best friend who wouldn’t be able to describe what your job is even if their life depended on it. But your work bestie? They get it.

They’re the person you text under the table during awkward team meetings. The one who helps you decipher what “Let’s circle back” actually means (spoiler: nothing good). Without them, the stress of work can feel ten times heavier.

Friendship Knows No Age Limits

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Image Credit: NBC

Nearly 71% of respondents said their work bestie is from a different generation. That means Gen Z and Millennials are out here forming friendships with Gen X and even Baby Boomers.

And while this might sound like the setup for a cheesy workplace sitcom, it’s proof that good friendships can transcend age differences. Whether it’s bonding over shared projects or a mutual love of making fun of corporate jargon, a work bestie from another generation can offer perspective, advice, and, let’s be honest, better snacks (older coworkers always seem to have snacks).

With return-to-office mandates looming and hybrid work becoming the new normal, having a strong connection with someone at work is more important than ever. 

Work besties are the glue that holds so many of us together in environments that can feel overwhelming or isolating. So, if you’ve got a work bestie, make sure they know how much you appreciate them. Because without them, who knows? You might just be sending in your resignation email.

Syeda Khaula Saad
Syeda Khaula Saad is a sex & dating writer at Betches despite not remembering the last time she was in a relationship. Just take her word for it.