If the name Lo Bosworth makes you feel nostalgic for simpler times when you would take a hiatus from your own dramatic teenage life to indulge in the more dramatic teenage lives of the super rich cast members of Laguna Beach and then, The Hills, same. But prepare to associate Lauren Conrad’s super cute bestie, Lo Bosworth, with her line of feminine health products because the former reality TV star really cares about your vagina. Back in 2016 Lo started Love Wellness, originally releasing products like a pH balancing cleanser and The Killer, a boric acid suppository to relieve yeast infections and BV, because she didn’t think that gynos were offering enough resources and supplements that specifically catered to women’s bodies—and she was right. Well, just last week Lo introduced five new total body health supplements into her line: #Mood Pills to naturally boost your mood; Bye, Bye Bloat to get rid of excess water weight; Lean Queen to help boost your metabolism; Lights Out to to help you get to sleep; and Good to Glow a solution to all of your skincare woes. All products are packaged in the chicest pastel packaging, are to be taken orally everyday or as otherwise directed, and will only set you back $24.99.
All of Lo’s products, old and new, are made up of natural ingredients like coconut oil, tumeric root, ginger, and green tea to help women heal, maintain and flourish their bodies in the safest way possible. To get the full Lo-down, we talked to the Love Wellness founder herself to find out what sparked her deep care for our vagines and what the brand has in store for the future of feminine health, spoiler alert: sadly, no Justin Bobby jokes were mentioned in this interview.

via Giphy
Betches: What inspired the development of the five new supplements?
Lo Bosworth: Our customers asked us to expand into different women’s health categories and we were thrilled to be able to make that happen. Our priority was to make these new line of ingestibles as natural and organic as possible, and we’re quite proud of the new offering. Being able to offer women natural and safe products for mood, metabolism, glowing skin, and more is very exciting for us.

Courtesy of Love Wellness
What retailers will the products be available in? When?
We sell Love Wellness products at lovewellness.co and we’ll be announcing upcoming retail partnerships over the next few weeks.
How did you decide which natural ingredients to include in the products?
We work with a team of doctors and food scientists to determine what natural ingredients go into each product. The formulation process is very exciting for me personally, as there are lots of natural ingredients that have worked for me for anxiety, sleep, and skin care. In our #Mood Pills for example, we’ve include organic chasteberry, which is proven to help alleviate symptoms of PMDD, and organic St. John’s Wort that has been proven to be effective for light depression.

Courtesy of Love Wellness
What kind of diet do you suggest taking Lean Queen with?
We always recommend to consult with your doctor before starting any kind of diet or supplement regime. With that being said, I’d recommend a well-balanced diet that’s high in good carbohydrates for energy, fiber, and lean protein. It’s okay to eat a piece of whole grain bread that’s high in natural fiber! Of course, drinking lots of water is critically important as well.

Courtesy of Love Wellness
Is each supplement to be taken daily?
We recommend that the supplements should be taken daily, but Bye Bye Bloat and Lights Out can both be used on-demand.

Courtesy of Love Wellness
What space in the market did you see for the Love Wellness brand?
When I first launched Love Wellness in 2016 I saw a huge opportunity in women’s personal care to provide natural, safe, OB/GYN-recommended products that work, while creating an honest and open self-care culture. Many drugstore feminine hygiene companies market their products as safe and effective when in reality, they’re not. The cheap chemical formulations in these products can wreak havoc on the vaginal microbiome and lead to chronic infections and irritations. My primary mission when launching the company was to educate women on this point, and to be able to provide them with safe solutions for upping your gut and vaginal flora with our Good Girl Probiotics, relieving infections and irritations with The Killer, our best-selling boric acid suppositories, and cleanse the vulva safely with our pH Balancing Cleanser and Do It All Wipes. With our new launch of ingestibles, we see Love Wellness as the ultimate one-stop shop for women’s wellness and personal care solutions for issues that are typically kept private. Our goal is to make healthcare and preventative care for issues traditionally viewed as embarrassing more comfortable for women by offering natural, organic solutions that are packaged beautifully along with educational content.

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Your favorite supplement?
I love our #Mood Pills! I’ve suffered from anxiety and depression and tried pharmaceuticals to help ease my discomfort but found that natural solutions always worked better for me in the long run. I’m thrilled to be able to offer women a natural and organic formulation that combines best-in-class ingredients from nature to stay balanced.
Future plans for the brand?
We have many products in R+D at the moment. We’re looking at the CBD space, and have quite a bit in the pipeline for retail in 2019.