Kris Jenner Has A Secret Communications Company You Never Knew About

It’s been a weird few years in the life of Rob Kardashian, and I have many questions about his life. Ever since his relationship with Blac Chyna crashed and burned back in 2017, Rob has pretty much been back in exile. He’ll resurface every once in a while, but mostly he just gets half-hearted birthday wishes from his siblings on Instagram. It’s been ages since he’s been seen at a major family event like the Kylie Skin launch party, and he doesn’t even make it on the family Khristmas Kard.

Yesterday, something seemed off when Kris Jenner all of a sudden posted telling people to go follow Rob’s Instagram page. I mean, is Rob Kardashian really that desperate for followers? Does he even really use his Instagram? A quick look at his feed shows that he first posted last summer, but then wasn’t active again until a couple weeks ago. Most of the posts are just ads for his sock line, Arthur George, which is apparently still a thing. Sidenote: if you’ve ever bought Arthur George socks, please detail your experience in the comments.

Kourtney Kardashian also posted an Instagram story on Wednesday telling everyone to go follow Rob. These posts seemed a little fishy to begin with—what does Rob Kardashian have going on that he desperately needs this thirsty publicity from his mom and sister? I already had questions, but then I noticed something on Rob’s profile that made my head spin.

“Account managed by Jenner Communications.”

WHAT. Okay, first thing, why is Rob Kardashian not running his own Instagram account? But more importantly, WHAT THE F*CK IS JENNER COMMUNICATIONS? Does Kris have a secret communications empire that we know nothing about? Does Kris have secret agents everywhere? Is this *literally* a case for the FBI? All I know is that my new mission in life is to go undercover and intern at Jenner Communications.

I did a little digging, and I’m pleased to announce that I found the website for Jenner Communications…which might actually be called Kardashian Jenner Communications, it’s a little hard to tell.

This looks…janky, and it also does nothing to convince me that Jenner Communications isn’t a front for the FBI. The page for Jenner Communications on Glassdoor has three employee reviews that are all completely negative, but to be fair, I’m not convinced that any of these people actually worked there.

Omg. Imagine having Kris Jenner as your boss at an internship. If I walked into my summer internship and the first task I was given was managing Rob Kardashian’s sock Instagram, I would faint from excitement. Speaking of Rob’s Instagram, let’s get back to the real issue at hand here: why isn’t Rob Kardashian managing his own Instagram account?

The good people at TMZ got the important info directly from Instagram. Apparently, Rob Kardashian is still banned from Instagram for posting revenge porn of Blac Chyna back in 2017. That seems like it was longer ago, but it was honestly horrifying, so he deserves it. Due to the ban, Rob’s official Instagram account is technically a fan account, and there are specific guidelines about how it has to be managed.

First, Rob isn’t allowed to create or post any of the content on the account, which explains why it’s managed by Jenner Communications (aka the FBI, I’m sure of it). Additionally, the bio and all of the captions for the account can’t be written in first person. Basically, Instagram wants everyone to know that Rob has nothing to do with his account. According to TMZ, Insta has no plans to lift Rob’s ban anytime soon. I’m fine with that.

So basically, Rob Kardashian is still banned from Instagram, which means that some poor lucky intern has to post the photos of the Arthur George DILF socks. Sadly, it’s not me. Brb, going to go devote my life to being a Jenner Communications truther. It’s the only thing that matters to me now.

Images: krisjenner, robkardashianofficial / Instagram; Kardashian Jenner Communications; Glassdoor

Dylan Hafer
Dylan Hafer
Dylan Hafer has watched over 1000 episodes of Real Housewives because he has his priorities in order. Follow him on Instagram @dylanhafer and Twitter @thedylanhafer for all the memes you could ever want.