What Is Dermaplaning? 5 Things To Know About Shaving Your Face

Another day, another way to improve myself. Whether it’s eating or skin care or wearing things that don’t make me look fat, 2018 is already so full of advice. Well now, there’s a new way to get baby smooth skin—it’s called dermaplaning and it involves shaving your face. *Shudders* Every day we stray further from God’s light.

OK, so, like, first off, I didn’t even know wtf dermaplaning was until last week. I should probably tune in to the trends more often, since I’m the voice of a generation and all. Turns out, shaving your face to exfoliate is big business. Whether you’re doing this shit yourself or paying a fancy doctor to do it for you, chances are it’s totally good for your skin. Allegedly. But you, the average Betches reader, probs doesn’t know wtf I’m talking about. Allow me to explain and like, enlighten you.

WTF Is Dermaplaning?

So, dermaplaning—according to Cosmo—is literally using (or having a doctor use) a surgical scalpel to gently scrape off any dead skin cells or “peach fuzz” on the surface of your face. It’s a super effective exfoliating treatment and is apparently all the fucking rage these days. It’s like shaving your face, but more bougie.

Lemme just exfoliate, betch.


Can I Do This Or Will It Fuck Me Up, Fam?

Yah, pretty much anyone with any skin type can dermplane. Myths abound that, like any kind of “shaving”, your hair will grow back thicker, darker, and scarier. This isn’t fucking true, according to Bustle, and your hair will grow back exactly the same as before. Also, it doesn’t hurt and won’t cause breakouts.


How Much Will This Shit Cost Me?

I meaaaaaaaaaan, it honestly depends on where you go and how you do this shit. For a REAL dermaplaning tool (no, you can’t use a regular razor), it’ll set you back around $75, and you totally can’t put a price on beauty. If you’re nervous, go to a dermatologist for a real appointment. That’ll probably set you back a couple hundred bucks, but every place is different. Maybe they’re having a sale—idfk. Given that I cut my legs every time I shave and I’ve been doing that since I was 11, I wouldn’t trust myself with a razor to the face, but ya know, to each her own.

I identify a lot with this cat


Why Am I Shaving My Face?

There are literally tons of benefits to dermaplaning. According to Elle, hairless skin helps all the shit you’re layering on your face—from anti-wrinkle creams to acne shit to moisturizer to even your makeup—go on smoother. Plus, you’re literally unclogging your pores by dermaplaning since it’s getting rid of that dead skin buildup we all know and love.

Moisture is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty


Will My Skin Be #Flawless?

Yes and no. If you’re going for a legit treatment, like, at a doctor’s office, chances are your skin is going to be hella red and dry for a few hours after. It’ll be a good night to sit in solitude, is what I’m saying. This is the time to rub in some vitamin C serums and other good-for-you shit since your face is like, super prime to absorb it. Afterwards, though, you’ll have mega-soft skin that you may not even need an Insta filter for. PRAISE JESUS.


May the odds and your skin be like, ever in your favor.

Images: Giphy (3)

Sarah Nowicki
Sarah Nowicki aka Betchy Crocker writes about food, fashion, and whatever else she's in the mood to complain about for Betches and like, some other people. She resides in Asheville, NC, where she spends her time judging hipsters and holding on to her Jersey heritage and superiority. Yell at her on Instagram @sarahnowicholson