Things Are Looking Up: Here Are Your Weekly Horoscopes For May 21-25

So you didn’t marry a prince over the weekend. It’s fine. Whatever. Things are still looking up, though. The Sun enters Gemini, Venus enters Cancer, and Mars is now in Aquarius. This week is all about hope and idealism—you know, like believing in yourself and promising that this is the summer you wear SPF every day. We’re one week away from the official start of summer, so here are your weekly horoscopes for May 21 through 25.


You’re plotting your next move this week. The first-quarter Moon in Virgo is pushing you toward progress. If you don’t already have a plan in place, it’s time to figure out your shit. Remember to keep it focused, You can’t become an Instagram model and tech CEO and fashion designer all in the same day. You can do all those things, sure, but maybe just one at a time. Don’t let life pull you in too many directions.


To keep from stressing about money this week, try to center yourself and get back in touch with nature. As an Earth sign, you attract more funds when you tap into what’s natural and pure. Try to do some outdoor yoga or plant some succulents or drink some charcoal water—anything that can get your hands dirty, if only for the Instas.


The Sun has moved into your sign, meaning things are basically going to be fucking amazing for the next month. Work on recharging your batteries for the rest of the year. Take it easy. Get a TaskRabbit for even the simplest of tasks. This is not the time to be putting together your own IKEA furniture, that’s for damn sure.


Since your birthday is on the horizon, this is the time to lay low as to not waste your energy. Your time to shine will come soon, so why not spend this week prepping your mind, body, and soul for all that attention? Stock up on face masks, take yourself for a mani/pedi, catch up on all the celeb gossip that isn’t royal wedding related. Refocus your soul for the year ahead.


As the Sun enters Gemini in your social house this week, you should prepare for a fuck ton of social obligations in the month ahead. Don’t turn down opportunities to socialize because you’re “tired” or “not in the mood” or “already drunk”. I mean, when has that last one stopped you from doing anything, anyway? People you meet in the next month will turn out to be super beneficial to you down the road, just FYI.


You’re on the path to success, so don’t fuck it up. The first-quarter Moon in your sign will intensify your focus and solidify your determination. Push self-doubt aside. Listen to Beyoncé or something to remind yourself of how great and powerful of a female you are. Not that you’re particularly prone to self-sabotage, but try extra hard not to sleep with your boss or talk shit on your manager while she’s standing right behind you in the coming weeks.


If you’re studying abroad this summer, you’ve made an amazing life choice. If you’re old or, well, poor, you better plan some sort of vacation stat. The Sun entering knowledgeable Gemini in your house of adventure means you’re craving a chance to expand literal and figurative horizons. Time to cash in those sky miles, betch.


Things are heating up for you, Scorpio, and I’m not just talking about the heat and humidity outside. The Sun in Gemini in your realm of intimacy means you’ll be craving intense experiences, if you know what I mean. Not only will you seek out physical connections, you’ll probably also want some emotional connection. If you can’t find that, The Bachelorette starts in a week, so you can just vicariously live through Becca K.



With the Sun directly opposite your sign for the next four weeks, you might start to feel a little cold and distant. I mean, that doesn’t have a whole lot of meaning for you because you’re used to becoming an Ice Queen if that means getting what you want. But those who are seeking your affection and attention might want to look elsewhere. Tell them to get back to you in a month.


It’s time to get your shit together. With the Sun in Gemini in your house of work and well-being, you’ll be more motivated to get everything in order. Lock down a summer workout plan, finalize the planning for all those weddings you have to attend, and reorganize your closet so you can actually find your warm weather clothes. Starting the season with clarity will put you on the right path. Soon enough you’ll be wearing swimsuit bottoms as underwear and all this work will have been a waste.


For the next four weeks, you’re going to want to throw all your energy into what makes you happiest. You’ll be at your best when you devote your time to people and activities that bring you the most joy. Get rid of negative energy and fake friends. If a friend isn’t liking and commenting on every post you make with at least three flame emojis, are they really even a friend? That’s what I thought.


The first-quarter Moon in Virgo is stirring up your feelings about commitment. If you want your relationships to move out of the toxic and into the healthy and happy, you might have to start opening up about your feelings. I know, gross, right? A fresh perspective might also help, so don’t run to your same old circle of friends for advice.


Images: Lidya Nada / Unsplash; Giphy (6)