Yesterday, we told you about Taylor Swift’s self-imposed social media blackout, and talked about all the things it might mean. A lot can fucking happen in 24 hours.
On Monday, the ~blank space~ of Taylor’s social media profiles was replaced by a 10-second video that appears to be some sort of metallic snake slithering. Today, she put up another snake video that’s basically the exact same as the first one. There’s no sound in either video, and they’re over as quickly as you think you have it figured out. Taylor, so mysterious!!
Barring the slight chance that this is the work of Russian hackers, this almost certainly means Taylor is teasing us about new music she’ll be releasing soon. Unnamed sources are saying that a single and video are likely dropping this Friday, with an album to follow this fall. One alleged insider said that Taylor’s “being very secretive about it, but it’s going to be a really good one.” So basically these sources don’t actually know anything, but it seems likely that their basic timeline is right.
So now that we know new music is coming soon, what can we get out of these dumb snake videos? It seems like Taylor is trying to reclaim the snake narrative that she’s found herself in (you know, the one she begged to be excluded from?), which would probably be a smart move at this point. Half the population thinks she’s a fucking narc, and the other half are under the age of 13, so Taylor will have to work extra hard to get our Spotify streams.
This is obviously still a developing story, just like Taylor is still trying to develop a personality that doesn’t suck. But be prepared for new music this Friday by making sure you have a fresh set of earplugs and some wine to calm your nerves. Thanks for joining us on this episode of #TaylorWatch2k17.