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Alright, I’ll admit it—I love celebrities. Maybe it’s growing up in the era of Intouch and Us Weekly tabloids, and then following along as celebs pulled back the curtain on their *glamorous* lives via social media (tbt to King Kylie era). But there’s just something about following the ~scandalous lives of Hollywood’s elite~ and knowing everything they’re buying, wearing, and loving that…has just never gotten old.
I don’t know about you, but my friends and I would become *obsessed* with whoever we saw on…erhm…Disney Channel (the fangirling started young, what can we say), and insisted on having whatever they had. Selena Gomez’s mid-2000s hair feathers? Copied. Neon cheetah prints à la Cheetah Girls? You *know* I begged for a matching set. And I hate to say it, but these habits haven’t changed much. So you can imagine how I, a fully grown adult, behave when I see a celebrity-owned product launch of some sort—which, TBH, seems to happen every day now—I must look into it, try it, and follow along with what they’re doing. Even if the celeb has no business in the industry (RE: Ryan Reynolds owning Mint Mobile??), I will investigate it nevertheless. Luckily, many celebs have *actually* created great products that are definitely worth obsessing over. Enter: the perfect gifts for the pop culture lover in your life (hi, it’s me).