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Just A Necessary Refresher On Paige And Craig's Relationship Timeline

With the last couple of seasons of Summer House centering around the Lindsay/Carl drama, it was pretty easy to forget there were other couples there. In fact, I think some of those couples were pretty much banking on the fact that Larl’s crash landing engagement would take the attention off of their monogamous mess (cough Amanda and Kyle cough). But now that Hubbhouse has moved onto motherhood, the other Hamptons romances are back in the hot seat, which of course has led to a handful of relationship rumors. No matter how loud the hard streets of Charleston, South Carolina are chirping about them, Paige Desorbo and her Southern man, Craig Conover, seem to remain locked in. Is it high time to explore Paige and Craig’s relationship timeline? Considering Summer House isn’t back yet, I guess I have some downtime to put towards this v serious research.

Paige And Craig’s Relationship Timeline

Who did Paige date before Craig?

paige desorbo
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Paige has won over the attention of many suitors in her five-season run on Summer House. When she first entered the house on season 3, she was interested in Carl (lol) and they had their infamous “secret” makeout in the pantry. Naturally, Carl’s “More Life” era wasn’t appealing to Princess Paige, so she moved on to dating Perry Rahbar in 2019, who was 10 years her senior. Viewers got a sense Paige and Perry had come to the end of their road during season 5 of Summer House, after many tearful Facetimes revealing that Perry wasn’t aligned with Paige’s lifestyle anymore.

On Winter House season 1, filmed in February 2021, Paige got cabin fever with Andrea Denver, the Italian Stallion. But by Season 6 of Summer House Paige had also reconnected with Craig, since they were both single at the same time for once, leading to a bit of a love triangle between the three of them. On season 7 of Summer House when Andrea had begun dating his future wife Lexi, Paige and Andrea had an awkies moment at brunch where she downplayed their moment as a “fling.”

Did Craig hook up with Kathryn on Southern Charm?

Craig Kathryn Dennis
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Yes, Craig had a lowkey hook-up with Kathryn after the first season of Southern Charm, before shit got serious (seriously messy) with Kathryn and Thomas Ravenel. Craig’s single days became a thing of the past when he became official with Naomi, (whom he’d previously met in college) in 2015. The pair moved in together and kinda sorta seemed like endgame until Naomi stopped believing in Craig’s vision. They ended (with a brief round 2, depending on which one you ask) in 2017.

Craig, lover boy that he is, started another long-term relationship with Natalie Hegnauer. They met in Aspen in January 2020, became official in June of the same year, and debuted their BF/GF status on a December 2020 episode of Southern Charm. After the season 7 reunion in 2021, Craig and Natalie defended their relationship against multiple rumors (that she was using him for a spot on TV and that he had secretly kindled a romance with Paige on Winter House). They announced their break up in May 2021.

How did Paige and Craig meet?

paige and craig
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Paige told the media she and Craig had been buddies through reality TV for years before they got together. When Paige entered Winter House in 2021 she was “a little bummed” to learn Craig wasn’t single but turned her sights on Andrea (not exactly a chore, IMO). Paige assumed that Craig was still wifed up with Natalie during her April 2021 sibling trip to Charleston, but ended up “kissing” Craig by the end of the visit when she found out he and Natalie were dunzo. After that, Paige and Craig started casually dating, at the same time Paige made sure to keep things casual with Andrea (who was actually open to being more serious with her). By the end of the summer, Paige had decided she was “sew in love” with Craig and deleted her roster.

How long have Craig and Paige been together?

paige desorbo craig conover
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Paige and Craig have been together for around three and a half years. During Craig and Paige’s situationship era during season 6 of Summer House, she got hit with the news Craig shared “a kiss” with Kristin Cavalleri. This hook-up pushed Paige to realize Craig was the one (the fairytale we’ve all dreamed of, right?). They announced their long-distance relationship dream had become a reality in October 2021 to Us Weekly. According to Paige’s Chatty Kathy interview with ET, they they first became a thing around July 2021 (around the end of season 6 production).

When did Craig join Summer House?

Craig Summer House
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Craig and his fellow Southern Charm frat stars Austen and Shep infiltrated Summer House (against the fan’s will, TBH) for the first time on season 4. After being a main cast member on Winter House season 1, Craig returned to Summer House for season 6 and has been recurring on and off as Paige’s boyf ever since.

What did Paige and Craig fight about on Summer House?

Paige Craig Summer House
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On season 2 of Winter House, when Paige and Craig were over six months into exclusively dating, Craig decided to play the role of the drunken terror of the group. He refused to cook or clean, even when he and Kory stood and the kitchen and smashed glass all over the kitchen. More than just annoying Paige’s friends by acting sloppy, Craig also interrupted Paige’s work call, which seemed to cause some tension in the relationship.

Their more recent storylines on Summer House have revolved around being located in two different cities despite their relationship getting more serious. During season 7 of Summer House, Craig was tearful about wanting to be closer to Paige emotionally, who was too ~cool girl~ to open up. Even Kyle Cooke had to the EQ to grasp that Craig needed to have a hard convo with Paige about commitment. In season 8, Paige sold the cameras that despite how much she loves Craig she was freaking out about getting engaged because that meant making babies and moving down South, two things she’s just not ready for. Craig shocked the Braoverse by being at peace with the situation, admitting that on the off chance things fail with Paige, he’d be alright. Okay, healthy mindset! Still, by all accounts in 2024, the two have plans to live happily ever after once their work calendars slow down.

Are Paige and Craig still friends with Amanda and Kyle?

paige craig kyle amanda BravoCon
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During Miami Fan Fest in the fall of 2024, Kyle continued to throw shade at Craig’s seltzer business, implying to Andy Cohen and the audience that Craig doesn’t work nearly as hard as Kyle has to as a full business owner. ICYMI, Kyle previously went on a haterade campaign against his former bestie Craig after learning Craig got involved with a competitor beverage brand, Spritz Society. If you’re wondering if Kyle invented hard canned beverages the answer of course is absolutely not, but don’t tell Kyle that. At Fanfest, Amanda coached Kyle like a three-year-old at a soccer tournament to speak more kindly about Craig. Based on the level of shade, I’d imagine season 9 of Summer House will include some major bro drama that deffo impacted the former foursome, though Kyle has said they’ve since made up.


Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.