The One Product You Need To Get Out The Door In The Morning When You Have, Like, Five Minutes

In Partnership With NYX Professional Makeup

When someone claims that a product is a “holy grail” product, you usually expect something major, right? Like, a meditation app that will finally help you chill out enough so you can get more than four hours of sleep. Or a longwear lipstick that *actually* lasts for more than two martinis. But, for me, a holy grail product really only has one qualification: Is it a product that will help me get out of the house in three minutes or less if I wake up in an absolute panic because my alarm didn’t go off?

If we’re talking about NYX Cosmetics Blurscreen SPF 30 Primer, the answer is “yes.” It truly is a product that can get you from “oof, girl, did you get enough sleep last night” to “oh wow you’re glowing” in a matter of seconds. And if you’re like me, and you don’t love heavy foundation and tend to oversleep, you want a one-and-done product that you can smear on with your fingers and get on with your day.

NYX Cosmetics Blurscreen SPF 30 Primer is a true 3-in-1 product. It blurs, primes, and offers sun protection. And, unlike a lot of sunscreens, it doesn’t leave a white cast that can be a barrier-to-entry for a lot of people with deeper skin tones. Oh, and did I mention that it’s only $14?

But what really makes the NYX Cosmetics Blurscreen SPF 30 Primer a true holy grail product? It provides 18 hours of makeup wear, so you don’t have to reapply any makeup that you put on top of it, and the blurring gives you a “your skin but better” effect that is perfect for people who *don’t* love the look of heavy foundation. (Raises hand!) 

So wear it under your foundation, wear it on its own, slap it on when you oversleep and you need to get out the door ASAP. NYX Cosmetics Blurscreen SPF 30 Primer will quickly become one of your holy grail products — especially for the lazy girls out there. 

Maria Del Russo
Maria Del Russo is the Branded & Affiliate Content Director for Betches. When she isn't at the office, you can usually find her in the kitchen, yelling "That tastes SO freakin' good!" at nobody in particular.