Crazy Rumors Emerge About Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth's Breakup

With any major celebrity breakup, it usually doesn’t take long before the mysterious anonymous sources start rolling in with a lot of information. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are no different, and since it’s been four days since the initial breakup news came out, the sources are coming out of the woodwork to talk to TMZ. Under normal circumstances, I would say to take information like this with a grain of salt, but these rumors are next level, so you probably need an entire salt cave. Basically, people from both sides are giving complete opposite details about what happened between Miley and Liam, so I’m not even going to try to make a call about who’s wrong and who’s right. Here’s what people are saying, and you can choose to believe it or not.

According to the sources close to Miley, the split was all Liam’s fault. To hear them tell it, Miley desperately wanted to make her marriage work, but Liam started drinking a lot and using drugs. Especially with Miley’s past struggles with substance abuse, this was apparently a dealbreaker for her, and she had to break things off with Liam.

But there are two sides to every story. According to the sources close to Liam, this isn’t what happened at all, and the demise of the relationship was actually due to Miley cheating. Dun dun DUNNNN. While the Miley sources said that she broke up with Liam months ago, the Liam sources say that they were together until just recently. According to them, her Italian vacation (including the photos of her making out with Kaitlynn Carter) “is another attempt by Miley to distract from her infidelity and recent outrageous public behavior.”

So yeah, those are two very different stories. I know I said that there are two sides to every story, but I’m amending that to say that there are three sides to every story, and the third one is the actual truth. If I had to guess (I know, I said I wouldn’t), the situation with Miley and Liam probably falls somewhere in the middle of what all these sources are saying. We don’t know anything about Liam’s drinking and drug habits, but it would be pretty inexcusable for an anonymous source to make that up if there was no truth to it whatsoever. Actually, it’s pretty messed up to blab that to tabloids even if it is true, but oh well.

And because we don’t really know what the timeline was here, it’s entirely possible that Miley did cheat on Liam. We don’t know, and we probably never really will. In the end, no matter what went down to cause the end of their marriage, it doesn’t really matter. Things ended because reasons, and now they both have their whole lives ahead of them to move on and rebuild. Whether that means making out on a yacht in Italy or posting a moody sunset on Insta, to each their own.

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Dylan Hafer
Dylan Hafer
Dylan Hafer has watched over 1000 episodes of Real Housewives because he has his priorities in order. Follow him on Instagram @dylanhafer and Twitter @thedylanhafer for all the memes you could ever want.