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I Hate To Be A Downer But Looks Like 'RHOC' Gina and Travis Are Dunzo

I had a lot of expectations about season 18 of RHOC. I knew Shannon Beador was going to feel the heat from her very public DUI. I knew Alexis Bellino was going to rub her new relationship with John Jansen in Shannon’s face. And I knew Jen Pedranti’s insanely problematic boyfriend from hell Ryan was going to get called out for his involvement in the theft scandal surrounding a former Dodgers Player. What I very much did not expect was for Gina to be on the outs with her boyfriend Travis. Gina spent all of the previous season, the 17th in the series, explaining to Heather, Shannon, and anyone else who doubted her that Travis supported Gina throughout all of her struggles to get past her breakup with her ex-husband Matt. According to Gina, their bond was unbreakable. But just one year later it seems things have drastically changed if we’re to believe the teased scenes in the brand spankin’ new RHOC season 18 trailer. I know the new season drops July 11, but I kind of need to know now… did Gina and Travis break up? Let’s unpack the rumors.

Did Gina and Travis break up?

Travis and Gina tease break up ahead of 'RHOC' Season 18
Image Credit: Getty Images

In the trailer, we see Travis move out of Gina’s casita 2.0 saying, “You made this decision.” Gina cries to the camera that she “wants to break up with [Travis’] ex-wife, not him.” It’s verrrrry interesting that Gina and Travis are now beefing over Travis’ ex-wife, when previous seasons have focused on the messy situation with Gina’s ex-husband and father of her children, Matt, being a potential issue (at least according to Fancy Pants AKA Heather Dubrow who now calls Gina a fake friend who was using her for money… duh). Later in the trailer, Gina throws a tennis racket at the ground while saying everyone is mad at her, including Travis. So have they actually broken up? It looks like they haven’t fully called it quits yet, but the couple is seriously on the rocks and moving backward from the love we saw last season. On the plus side, Gina’s hair actually looks okay? Too soon? Fine.

Gina and Travis moved in together in 2020

Gina and Travis with their kids in OC
Image Credit: Getty Images

Only a few years prior to season 18, Gina and Travis purchased a large home together for their blended family including six kids. Naturally, it’s a lot bigger than the casita that Gina got clowned for during her first season on RHOC many moons ago. But Gina does concede it’s still not the largest house in the world, though it has a large kitchen to give space for her to cook with her kids and plenty of storage. It’s easy to dunk on Gina for not living in a private hotel, like the one Heather Dubrow just sold, but by real-world standards, the purchase seemed like a solid responsible move for Gina’s evolution.

When did Gina and Travis meet?

Gina and Travis at BravoCon
Image Credit: Getty Images

Gina and Travis met back in 2019. They met on a blind date arranged by their friends and have been happily together ever since. She has described Travis as the guy who has added years to her life with laughter, is amazing, and was the perfect quarantine partner who made 2020 great for her.

Marissa Dow
Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.