Everything You Need To Know About The 3 Women That Founded Betches

As you’ve probably guessed based on the fact that like, we’re posting articles and shit, the Betches are in the office today. We run an entirely female workplace (well, except for like, one man and a dog, but they’re both nice so it’s cool) so we decided the best way to celebrate International Women’s Day would be to take some time to talk about ourselves. In addition to the standard amount of talking about ourselves that we do daily. Here at Betches we believe firmly that women’s rights are human rights and human rights are the ability to unabashedly brag about all the boss shit you’ve done on your own website that you started yourself.

So here’s our story. SPOILER ALERT: It’s literally the best story you’ve ever heard:

On a cold AF night in February of 2011, Betches was started as a small wordpress blog launched by three college roommates—Jordana Abraham, Samantha Fishbein, and Aleen Kuperman—at Cornell. That original blog, Betches Love This, went viral within months and thus the best fucking website you’ve ever read in your goddamn life was born. The core of the site at that time was “The Betch List,” a constantly updating list that described the loves and hates of any woman-identifying human ballsy enough to call herself a betch. From our very first item on the list, which laid out the benefits of Talking Shit widely and about everyone, we introduced the world to the code by which all the dope women we knew were living their lives. We extolled the virtues of not doing work, introduced the term “BSCB” to the world, created a point system to help you win your breakup, and generally helped to spread the betch lifestyle far and wide. Also, Mean Girls quotes. Lots and lots of Mean Girls quotes.

regina george

Since that time, Betches has expanded into the deviously funny mega brand that you know today, with topics ranging from celebs, health and fitness, politics, TV, advice, and horoscopes. Betches Love This slimmed down to just Betches in 2015 after a very successful all-carb diet, and it is now the go-to site for goddesses and queens around to world who want media that keeps it real and news that’s peppered with the Betches’ signature snark. Betches is proud to stand among the 9.1 million companies in the U.S taht are owned by women, that generate over $1.4 trillion in sales and emply nearly 7.9 million Americans each year. The success of our business has been fuled by the incredible women who have lent us their time, talent, and Facebook likes that enabled us to grow our brand and help prove to the world that women can be just as funny, smart, and successful as men. 

Oh, and did we mention we wrote two books? Because we did. And did we mention that both those books, Nice Is Just A Place In France (2013) and I Had A Nice Time And Other Lies (2016) were both New York Times best sellers? Well, they were. 

I Had A Nice Time And Other Lies

Thanks to the amazing support from the betches who love us @betches has grown to over 5 million followers on Instagram, and one of those followers is literally Madonna (Hi Mads!!!). Others who are obsessed with us include (but are not limited to) the New York Times, Jezebel, The London Times, Telegraph, Vogue, Rolling Stone, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and The Guardian. So yeah, all the fake news organizations looooove us. Our online boutique, Shop Betches, launched in 2014 and puts out the betchiest tanks, tees, phone cases, and sweaters and our literally hilarious podcast Betch Slapped launched during the worst year ever (2016) and still manages to attract over ten thousand of the most objectively attractive podcast listeners in the world on the daily. So next time some bro dares to suggest to you that women can’t make it in business, kindly refer him to these stats. 

All this is to say—women in business are fucking killing it. Our success story is just one small part of the millions of successful businesses and creative ideas women churn out on the daily, and we never could have done it without the incredible betches across the world who come to our site for all things news, lifestyle, and of course, Bachelor Recaps. If you’ve shared an article, bought a phone case, or even just given a really good nickname, then you helped to support a woman-owned business this year and we can’t thank you enough. And bros, we know you’re out there reading our shit too. Today is just like, not about you.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, there’s like really good lighting in the office rn so I think it’s time for a much needed selfie break.

kim k selfie

How you can help on A Day Without A Woman: read here!
The Betches
Aleen, Sami, and Jordana are the three co-founders of Betches. Aleen serves as Chief Executive Officer, Sami as Chief Creative Officer, and Jordana as Chief Innovation Officer.