Image Credit: Netflix

Please, Please, Please Do Not Tell Me Brittany And Kenneth Are Still Together

Every time I think there can’t possibly be any more surprises from the season 6 Love Is Blind cast, there are. We’ve had people changing their minds at the altar, alleged cheating and secret girlfriends, very questionable TikTok presences (hi Sarah Ann), and now… Brittany and Kenneth possibly reuniting?? It simply can’t be. Sure, they both believe in God and should probably be communications professors, but that’s not quite enough for a relationship in my book. It was clear to viewers that their romantic chemistry fizzled quickly outside of the pods. Kenneth seemed to be on his phone, like, a lot, and they just didn’t appear to super attracted to each other.

Brittany and Kenneth said a tearful goodbye in episode 8 when they decided it wasn’t gonna work out between them. And I daresay we all breathed a sigh of relief in that moment. Now, Brittany’s trying to confuse us again with a cryptic social media post. I cannot. So, are Brittany and Kenneth together now? Here’s everything we know.

Brittany And Kenneth Called Things Off In Episode 8

Kenneth Brittany Love Is Blind
Image Credit: Netflix

These youngins went their separate ways after realizing that their physical connection wasn’t as strong as their ~shared values connection~. “We barely kiss and, like, haven’t made out,” Brittany told him. “For some reason, that just seems really awkward to me.” A valid point. She emphasized that the “desire and crave” was missing between them. Kenneth didn’t give her a hard time at all. He claimed to still feel physical attraction toward her, but replied: “Even though I have so much love for you and I care about you so much, if it’s not there for you and I, [God] is going to prepare me for that.”

Brittany And Kenneth Have Said That They’re Friends

Kenneth Brittany Love Is Blind
Image Credit: Netflix

Although it was tense for a bit after the split, it seems like there’s no bad blood here anymore. “We actually decided the night that we ended our intimate relationship that we would actually remain friends,” Brittany told Entertainment Tonight. She added, “Although we did drift apart, we learned so much. And I think I can speak for both of us, we’re so thankful for the process and how it went, and how it was handled.” Mature queen. Kenneth also revealed to the outlet that they’re “super close” because they have a “larger understanding” of who they are. Interesting, interesting.

Brittany And Kenneth Are Teasing Their Relationship Status On TikTok


Its safe with…🤭 Stay 10 toes down for the reunion this Wednesday 3/13 to see where we’re at. @Kenneth Gorham loveisblind reunion netflix season6 kenneth brittany

♬ Originalton – ♡

Ilana Frost
Ilana Frost
Ilana Frost is an entertainment writer at Betches. As a teenage girl in her twenties, she spends her time stanning Olivia Rodrigo, baking cakes for award shows, and refusing to ever leave her Reputation era.