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The Wildest Moments From Ziwe's Interview With Anna Delvey

Listen, I know scamming is wrong, but there’s a reason there are a million Netflix shows about white-collar crime: It’s fascinating AF, too. And, if you’re going to scam (which you shouldn’t!) the least you could do is try scamming rich people and graciously serve your time after you inevitably get caught. That’s why I’ll never stop keeping tabs on grifting girlie pop Anna Delvey who went from Rikers Island inmate to Dancing With the Stars contestant just like that. No, I don’t condone fangirling over a woman whose confusing accent actually caused problems for innocent victims. But I am going to watch (with raised eyebrows) while Anna does something so controversial yet so brave by sitting down to be taunted by professional troll Ziwe. Many of Ziwe’s guests before her show got canceled were a little less glam and a lot more criminal, but a chit-chat with the German art dealer/heiress absolutely made the watch list. Here are the wildest quotes from Ziwe’s Anna Delvey interview.

Wildest Quotes From Ziwe’s Interview With Anna Delvey

“If anyone bothers to look into my case they will see it was never like a zero-sum game”

Does Anna Delvey accept she was a scammer? That’s a no, ma’am. She says because she was never trying to “permanently deprive” anyone of “funds or property,” and instead mismanaged a “house of cards” business that “didn’t go according to plan,” she can’t be considered to have intentionally defrauded anyone. While I applaud that her intentions may have been to pay people back, p sure the journalist who oopsied $60K away on vacation with her then-pal Anna might disagree.

“Financial institutions defraud regular people all day, every day.”

Anna isn’t for regulating banks out of existence, but she does believe financial institutions such as banks, the real estate market, and even insurance companies are “big scams.”

“I can relate to Elizabeth Holmes.”

Anna wasn’t exactly giving the Theranos her props but she did concede she and her fellow “white female who had to go through the criminal justice system” have had similar experiences. To be fair, her other options were to call Sam Bankman Fried or Bernie Madoff her “heroes.”

She prefers Karl Lagerfeld to Karl Marx… maybe.

Anna didn’t want to give the media a full quote to run wild with (oops, that’s me) but she did blurt out that Karl Lagerfeld was her favorite Karl if given the choice between the Chanel founder and Marx.

“I’m against stupid people.”

Delvey doesn’t discriminate between the rich and the poor. She thinks the worst people are the dumb ones and they come equally from both classes. Honestly, Anna? Same.

“I have a lot of black friends.”

In fact, Anna doubled down that she even has more black friends than Ziwe. She went on to prove that point by listing a series of unverified names of black people she mostly met in prison, but ummm, I guess that counts! At least Anna fully owns the system is rigged harder against her non-white peers, something she is reminded of “all the time” and isn’t sure how to cope with since she “didn’t create the system.”

“My whole story is misrepresented in the media.”

Does this call for a longer interview and/or a second Netflix show? Anna says she “doesn’t want to be famous” but I think the only correct answer is yes.


Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.