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Noel Biderman Today: Where Ashley Madison CEO Is Now

If you, like me, only knew about Ashley Madison because former RHONY star Kristin Taekman’s husband Josh was seeking a side piece on it, then buckle up because that’s just a tiny drop in the piping hot mug of tea that is this scandal. What was Ashley Madison? The quickest way to explain the setup is to say that it was a very Y2K-coded platform for boomers to cheat because social media hadn’t popped off yet. Netflix has tuh-done their thing once again and revitalized the history-making sexy drama in their recent blockbuster documentary Ashley Madison – Sex, Lies and Scandal (sorry Hulu, I liked yours too!). After binging through this like no one has binged before, I had one question (okay one of many, but this was the first one) on my mind. First: what in the world is wrong with Noel Biderman?? Second, what is that hooligan up to in 2024? So I went ahead and did the Googling so you don’t have to. Proceed to find out where Noel Biderman is today, from his wife to his job to his net worth.

Noel Biderman Ashley Madison CEO Today: 

Noel Biderman’s Wife

Noel Biderman and Amanda Biderman
Image Credit: Getty Images

Amanda Biderman is still married to Noel Biderman, against all odds. Noel’s lawyer confirmed the couple were, in fact, still an item by commenting that Biderman is still “a committed father and husband” as included at the end of the documentary. As Noel tells it, Amanda was always in on the Ashley Madison journey, just as curious as him about bending the boundaries of monogamy. Even though Amanda promoted the company by Noel’s side it still seems hard to believe a wife would think running a business that slimy made for an excellent husband but like sure (Amanda blink twice for help). For now, they remain happily married, which I guess in a way is kind of inspiring? Noel’s lawyer also said he “feels fortunate that his wife, Amanda, has stood by him throughout.” As he should.

Noel Biderman’s Job

Noel Biderman
Image Credit: Getty Images

As of 2023, LinkedIn says Noel is still gainfully employed, as a CEO of a software company in Toronto, no less. Crazy how men just fail upwards, right? Even though there appears to be a 10-year gap in his resume (lol I wonder why), since 2020 Noel has worked various high-level corporate jobs from sitting on the board of gaming companies to advising other CEOs.

Noel Biderman’s Net Worth

Noel Biderman
Image Credit: Getty Images

According to Celebrity Net Worth Noel’s net worth is around 40 million. His portfolio comes from not only his work for Avid Media (the company that backed Ashley Madison) but also his sports coaching and personal appearances and projects such as books about the scandal including Cheaters Prosper, a coffee table book for the masses.

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.