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Wait, Is It Still Halloween? Weekend Horoscopes For November 2-4

Are you nursing a Halloween hangover or gearing up for round two? The Moon in Virgo this weekend pushes you to look for the structured and comfortable things in life, while also making you keenly aware of details. Likewise, a Venus-Neptune connection makes it hard to determine the truth. Is he not texting you back because he’s actually busy or is it because he’s over it? Are you lazy or are sweatpants actually acceptable day-wear now? Let’s be honest with ourselves this weekend, no matter what sh*t Venus and Neptune are trying to pull. Here are your weekend horoscopes for November 2-4:


This is a weekend for maintenance. So, yeah, appease your dad and take your car in for service or to have the tires checked or whatever happens at those places. The Virgo Moon will help you discover and take care of any errors in your system. You know, like helping you finally see that weird patch of hair on the back of your thigh that you’ve been missing with a razor for the past two months. Oops.


This weekend, the Venus-Neptune connection helps you realize that, single or not, a relationship is not going to help you solve all your problems. It’s time for you as a sensible, logical Taurus betch to start working on solving your own problems. Practice some independence. Instead of waiting for someone to text back about giving you a ride, order your own damn Lyft. Make plans with your friends instead of waiting for a guy to ask you if you want to do something this weekend. As Fleetwood Mac would say, it’s time you go your own way.


An important discussion will take place this weekend, and it’s vital that you actually listen to what the other person has to say instead of thinking about when it’s going to be your turn to talk. In fact, the conversation may not be headed in the direction you assumed. So, like, put down your phone and pay some attention to the situation at hand. You don’t want to mess this one up. I promise.


It might feel like you’re between a rock and a hard place in deciding how you want to spend your time this weekend. Like, on one hand, you have all this fun sh*t you want to do that will make you happy. On the other hand, you have a person or people guilting encouraging you to do stuff that feels more like an obligation than a choice. Work on setting some realistic boundaries. You can give, like, one full hour to listening to your friend cry after a breakup, but then you both need to move on.


You’ve had this problem lately where you allow little inconveniences to ruin your whole day. It might feel like you’ve been in a funk of one bad thing happening after another. This is unlike you! As a Leo betch, you’re used to powering through problems like the confident badass you truly are. This weekend, it’s time to refocus that negative energy. Any speed bump needs to just be plowed over. Be upset about it for, like, two seconds and then move the eff on.


This weekend, it’s best to keep it simple. Your horoscope indicates you could be having a deep discussion. As a Virgo, sometimes you can get too caught up in the abstract when trying to convey how you feel. Dumb it down a little. Also, with the Moon in your sign, you’re prone to being more sensitive to the feelings of others. That’s super useful because you’ll know how to read and respond to every situation perfectly.



It’s time to expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to relationships. Your date may not be what you bargained for. Like, is this even the same person from the pictures on the app? WTF?! Don’t panic. Sometimes it’s best to go with the flow and let yourself be pleasantly surprised. More likely, though, you can just chalk this up to experience and remind yourself to never go on a date with someone you haven’t Snapchatted or stalked sufficiently on social media.


Jupiter is in your sign this weekend, giving you the strength to forgive. That might sound totally lame, but it could come in handy. No one wants to be known as the girl who carries a grudge. Instead of icing out Katilin for totally copying your costume idea or plotting revenge on Regina for kissing your crush at the Halloween party, it’s best to let bygones be bygones. Move the f*ck on so you can use your energy for more important things, like coming up with a great routine for the winter talent show.


A messy Neptune-Venus alignment means your usual tricks won’t work this weekend. No matter how sickly sweet and charming you are, you might not be able to smooth over a situation you’re definitely responsible for. It might be time to stop playing games and start getting realistic about how to handle the mess you made. Also, baked goods aren’t the best way to apologize. You’ll just end up burning down your kitchen or some sh*t.


Be careful where you’re seen and who you’re seen with this weekend. Your social life could have an effect on your romantic life. Just because your significant other isn’t at the same bar, doesn’t mean he lacks an army of spies. So don’t even let it look like you’re getting too cozy with your “just a friend” or the guy who innocently offered to buy you a drink. I mean, you know more than anyone how important appearances are.


You’ve been trying to be responsible about your financial situation as of late. That’s a good thing because you’ve developed skills that will come in handy in the future, like making the same outfit look totally different by switching up your accessories. Luckily though, things are turning around for you in the financial department starting this weekend. Your bank account will have a little more cushion for the pushing. Feel free to throw a few dollars around this weekend. Treat yourself, but then lock it back up by Monday. You still aren’t Beyoncé. Sorry.


You’ve been dealing with some insecurities lately. I mean, that’s kind of typical. You are a Pisces, after all. Anyway, it’s time you seek some advice or encouragement from a mentor or trusted friend. Your big sister from your sorority would love to get a call from you. Hell, even someone you look up to at work could help you through a personal issue and make you feel a lot better. Obvi, don’t head to your most sarcastic and silly friend. She’s great for a pick-me-up, but, like, not in this particular situation.


Images: Sarah Diniz Oteiro / Unsplash; Giphy (6)