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Your Guide To Taylor And Dakota's Wild 'Mormon Lives' Relationship

Just like prospectors digging for literal gold in the 1800s, television producers have been flocking to the Salt Lake state for reality TV gold and it now looks like lightning has struck Utah twice. The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives has the internet ablaze, as the “MomTok” group that got caught up in a “soft swinging scandal” lives out their very carbonated drama on screen. Like the unspoken #1 problem child of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Jen Shah, Taylor Paul of Secret Lives is the center of the Mormon madness in their TikToking friend group, and her boyfriend/baby daddy Dakota Mortensen is in the eye of the storm with her. If you’re wondering how famously conservative members of the Church of the Latter Day Saints are having baby mama/Tinder porn drama then buckle TF up now. Here’s a relationship timeline for Taylor Frankie Paul and Dakota Mortensen.

When Did Taylor Frankie Paul get divorced from her husband?

Taylor revealed through the TikTok caption of a May 2022 video that she and her then-husband Tate Paul were getting a divorce. Tate is the father of Taylor’s older two children: her 7-year-old daughter Indy and her 4-year-old Ocean. The couple was originally married in 2016. According to Taylor, though “no one was innocent,” she escalated problems in her marriage when she broke the rules she and Tate set regarding their “soft swinging” with other Mormon couples.

When Did Taylor Paul and Dakota Mortensen start dating?

Taylor hard launched Dakota as her new man on TikTok in July of 2022. On Secret Lives Taylor talks about how her mom’s viral comment that she needed to “focus on herself and her children” instead of dating someone seriously was an embarrassing public warning. Taylor ignored it regardless, pursuing a relationship with Dakota, anyway. The TikTok sound in her first video featuring Dakota seemed to imply Taylor did cheat someone else, but he was now her “toxic” past while Dakota was her “new bitch.”

Why did Taylor Paul get arrested?

taylor paul baby shower photos
Image Credit: Hulu

On February 17, 2023, the police were called to Taylor Paul’s home as a result of a fight with Dakota Mortensen. The police camera footage and 911 call played on The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives reveals a neighbor reported a disturbance next door. When the police arrived, Taylor admitted to throwing items including a chair at Dakota, which also struck one of Taylor’s children, according to a sworn affadavit submitted to law enforcement. Taylor was ultimately charged with multiple offenses including aggravated assault, two counts of domestic violence in the presence of a child, and child abuse with injury as first reported by The New York Post. When discussing the legal repercussions of the incident with her mother on the show, Taylor shared her probation had been reduced to less frequent meetings after taking a plea deal.

Taylor and Dakota were on and off for a year

Following Taylor’s 2023 arrest, Taylor and Dakota have shared some of the rockier moments in their relationship on social media. After rumored breakups, Taylor confirmed in June 2023 on TikTok that she was still together with Dakota. They got pregnant later that summer. Mayci and Taylor discussed an incident when Dakota called Taylor derogatory names during a fight, which is why Mayci was weary of their relationship at Taylor’s winter 2024 baby shower. After having their child, and following the premiere of SLMW, Taylor and Dakota told E! News they’re “good today” while “still working on things” in therapy as of September 2024.

Taylor Paul And Dakota Mortensen’s Son Was Born in March 2024


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In the season premiere of Mormon Wives, Taylor admits to her mom she is pregnant with her new boyfriend, who walks off in frustration at Taylor’s choices. Later in the episode filmed in the winter of 2024 before her arrest, Taylor tells Whitney, Mayci, and the other girls that she had miscarried due to an ectopic pregnancy. The next episode jumped to 11 months later when Taylor was then pregnant again with Dakota’s child and they had decided to move in together despite concerns from Taylor’s mom, stepdad, and MomTok crew. On March 19, 2024, Taylor gave birth to their first child and her third, a boy named Ever True.
Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.