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ICYMI Kim Kardashian Has A New Mystery Man

They say there are a few certain things in life: death, taxes, and Kim Kardashian finding a man. Like, if there’s one thing she’s going to do every year it’s launch a new business her fans are going to sell out and find an eligible celebrity bachelor to walk in and out of Nobu with for paparazzi shots. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if Miss Mamas her all-powerful momager had a directory of names they scout through, like Mitt Romney and his binder full of women. If I sound like I’m a bitter single, that’s only because I am, but that also doesn’t make my hypothesis any less true (that’s called science, babe). The Ray J to Nick Lachey to Nick Cannon to Reggie Bush to Cristian Ronaldo to Miles Austin to Kris Humphries to Kanye West to Pete Davidson to Odell Beckham Jr. pipeline speaks for itself. Now word on the street is Kim might have a new love in her life, who is much different from the others. Who is Kim Kardashian dating in 2024? Here’s the word on the street.

Kim Kardashian Dating Update 2024

Who is Kim Kardashian’s new boyfriend?

kim kardashian tonight show
Image Credit: Getty Images

An insider source told Us Weekly that though “Kim is keeping it very under wraps” she has allegedly “started dating someone new.” Who is this mystery man? That, we’re apparently not allowed to know just yet but if leaks have already hit the press, a hard launch can’t be too far off from the KKW camp. The alleged source did claim her new boyf was “someone who isn’t famous” which makes sense considering Kim has had plenty of public relationships with very famous exes that did not end well.

If this guy isn’t a celeb, he must be from a different corner of Kim’s world. The anonymous tipster also claimed Kim was spending a lot of time focusing on prepping for the California bar (her law journey began back in 2018 when Kim enrolled in an alternative unaccredited schooling program and subsequently failed the “baby bar” exam three times in two years). Kim updated the internet over the summer of 2024 that her studies are indeed continuing with “hearsay exceptions,” so maybe this dude is a lawyer or fellow aspiring one, like herself? Kim has mused that she’d like to open a pro-bono law firm one day so maybe she made time in class to find her future partner-in-crime between selling the TikTok girlies SKIMS merch in every neutral shade she can think of? Kim also said her kids have been obsessed with trying to set her up, so it’s possible this man was hand-chosen by North. Only time will tell.

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.