Image Credit: Netflix

The 'Love Is Blind' Questionnaire We Really Need

If you’ve been following along with season 6 of Love Is Blind, you know that this batch of contestants isn’t exactly… the best. Okay, who am I kidding? These LIB contestants are villains. For a show that’s supposed to help people find love strictly through emotional connections, LIB has casted some people with pretty awful personalities. Whether they’re obviously on the show for the wrong reasons or even just straight out cheaters (or keep threatening to cheat). 

While the laughably low quality of potential love matches does create the kind of drama that keeps you glued in front of Netflix for hours, it would be nice to see some genuinely good people on my screen from time-to-time. But every time I stupidly let myself get excited about someone, they end up having problematic conversations about birth control or proving incapable of having a conversation with a crying partner without looking up from their phone. *Heavy sigh*While part of me is a little curious to see how much worse the people can get, I’m also very scared. So, to rectify this issue, I’ve created a Love Is Blind cast questionnaire for the producers to use in the future to make sure contestants are, you know, somewhat decent.

The ‘Love Is Blind’ Questionnaire We Really Need

love is blind season 6 jimmy and chelsea
Image Credit: Netflix

  1. Do you care about what someone looks like?
  2. Seriously, do you care?
  3. No, like, for real?
  4. Do you have a mullet?
  5. Are you interested in the opposite gender? (Officially speaking, this is a super hetero show.) 
  6. Would you stay at an ex’s apartment til 5 in the morning while engaged to someone else?
  7. Do you have any kids?
  8. Do you have a secret GF back home?
  9. Are you already engaged?
  10. Are you already married??
  11. Which celebrity do people say you look like?
  12. Which celebrity do you actually look like?
  13. Why do you want to be part of LIB?
    Fall in love with someone based on who they are as a person
    To get TikTok famous
    To build an emotional connection with someone and then leave them when they’re less attractive than what you imagined
    d.) Free honeymoon vacation with a stranger
  14. Have you received formal sex education?
  15. Are you aware that not all women use birth control?
  16. Who are your role models and do they cheat on their partners?
  17. Is cheating in your genetics?
  18. Are you hooking up with any of your close friends?
  19. How many times in a day do you need to hear “I love you” from your partner?
  20. Do you actually want to get married?
  21. Are you ugly? (lol jk)
  22. But seriously, are you ugly?
  23. Where were you on Jan. 6?
@betches Just a couple questions to really get to know you on the inside. #loveisblind #loveisblindnetflix ♬ original sound – Betches
Syeda Khaula Saad
Syeda Khaula Saad is a sex & dating writer at Betches despite not remembering the last time she was in a relationship. Just take her word for it.