5 Things You Need To Get Organized For The New Year

Guys, I don’t know if you knew this about me, but I am the reigning queen of organization. I am also the queen of Halloween, but that isn’t super relevant this time of year (sad). I am so good at organizing and being on top of sh*t that I have probably wasted a third of my life organizing and trying to be more efficient. But like, the other two thirds are going super well because of it. Probably. Well like, it probably will eventually. Since the year is almost over, it’s truly time to get your sh*t together and start next year off at maximum efficiency. Here is everything you need to get right now to be a boss betch next year:


I can’t even begin to explain how many minutes of my life I’ve probably wasted on my Erin Condren planner. It’s color-coded, stickered, and every hour is documented. While you may argue that this is inefficient, I get everything done and forget nothing. It’s a total necessity, especially if you do a lot of different jobs and need to be super organized. #freelancelife. Get a cute planner you’ll actually like filling out to help you stay on track and reach your goals for the year. Erin Condren planners are so cute, have everything you could ever think of, and have three different layout choices (I prefer hourly). They also have really cute teacher lesson planners that make me want to be teacher just so I can use it. Except that I hate children, oops.


My life would fall to pieces without Evernote. I use it so much that I just hit over 2,400 notes in it (organized in 30 different notebooks and two notebook stacks). If you really want to have your sh*t together this year, put your entire life into this app. It syncs every time you update it, so you can use it on your laptop and then find any info on your phone. I use mine for literally everything: meal planning, recipes, to do lists, outfit ideas, art inspiration, writing, important documents, things I want to buy, packing lists, etc. It’s so nice to have everything you could ever need synced in one place. Like, if I’m at the grocery store and I forgot to write down an ingredient amount, I just check the recipe from my Cookbook Notebook. If I need my dog’s vaccination records for day care, it’s in her Notebook. If I know a client gave me notes on a specific thing but I can’t find that email, it’s in my Work notebook, where I consolidated all the client’s emails in one note under their name. It’s THE BEST.


Part of the reason I’m scarily organized is because I am dangerously forgetful. If I fail to write it down in my planner, Evernote, and phone, I will not do it. I usually make lists in Evernote for things I need to bring with me so I don’t forget something, but with Adero, this process just got a whole lot easier. Adero is an app that comes with smart tags that keep track of everything in your bag so that you never again forget your laptop charger. It is genius. You just stick the Bluetooth-enabled tags on everything you have to have and the app will tell you if something is missing. You also save time by not having to take everything out of your bag to make sure your headphones are in there (somewhere). Buy the system once and never forget anything again.

When’s Happy Hour? 

Make it a point over the holidays to read our latest book, When’s Happy Hour?, so you can hit the ground running next year. This is also the perfect book to avoid speaking to your annoying family members with. Like hi? I’m busy trying to make my life happen, thanks. Reading this book is Step 1 in your plan of world domination and will teach you how to be the Miranda Priestly of your dreams. If you want to make more money, become your own boss, become someone else’s boss, and get sh*t done, here is your new bible.

Habit Tracker

This year, I’m going to learn piano, learn Spanish, and lose 15 lbs. These were my goals for last year and I did none of them and gained 3 lbs. So really, I guess now I have to lose 18 lbs. But whatever. I’m making more of an effort to stay organized and change my habits and get rid of some bad ones (bye Taco Bell, I’ll still love you forever!). When trying to break or instill a habit, you really need to be consistent. So I don’t spend the entire year saying I’ll do my Duolingo lesson “tomorrow” again, I’m going to be utilizing a habit tracker to keep me accountable. Buy a cute one so that you feel super pleased with yourself when all the little colored boxes line up and enjoy your new life as a bilingual, musically talented, fit boss betch.

How do you stay organized and live your best life? Please leave all your best suggestions in the comments, because we can all use a little inspiration.

Images: Erin Condren (2); Adero; Betches

Holly Hammond
Holly Hammond
Holly is an ex-sorority girl with the personality of Elle Woods meets Wednesday Addams. She is an artist, writer, animator, and part-time magician. Her parents are v proud but also like to ask her when she's going to get a real job. Buy art from her so she can pay for her bulldog's dermatologist.