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Kyle And Craig Are Hard Core Beefing Over Loverboy

We heard Kyle Cooke yell on Summer House that “Loverboy IS tanking” but it seems like the hard tea train is back on the tracks, so much so that another canned spritz company is trying to ride Loverboy’s coattails, according to Kyle. And, even more dramatically, they’re using one of Kyle’s closest friends to do it. Craig Conover was recently announced as a key investor and brand ambassador of Spritz Society, a competitor alcoholic bev company run by Craig’s friends Claudia Oshry and Ben Soffer (AKA girl with no job and boy with no job). So what’s the problem? Isn’t there enough canned cocktail love to go around? Well, Kyle has a lot of serious complaints about Craig’s new venture and he held no punches while telling Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live all about them. Let’s get into Craig Conover and Kyle Cooke’s big bev beef.

Explaining the Craig Conover and Kyle Cooke fight

What is Craig’s new alcohol investment?


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Craig posted on April 24 that he was “excited to announce” that he is “now an investor in [Spritz Society]” after trying the canned drink during a tailgate for the Taylor Swift concert with his gf Paige (possibly the most basic bitch origin story in history). He praises the wine drink’s fresh taste and even drops a code for the thirsty folks at home. Soooo basically… a glorified spon partnership?

Not according to Craig, who told Page Six that he always wanted an alcohol brand in his portfolio. When he found out that Claudia and Ben were the creators behind Spritz, they struck up a conversation, and Craig joining their team became a no-brainer. There will be a Craig-curated drink coming later this summer, which is exciting for Craig because he’s never had a “pool drink” he felt passionate about sipping on before. I guess that doesn’t include the Loverboys Craig’s drank over the years to support Kyle and Amanda. He claimed investing in Loverboy “wasn’t an option.” Still, he’s inspired by Kyle’s work ethic as a founder, though Spritz will be more of a delegated team effort. He says Loverboy being the drink of the Hamptons is what he hopes for Spritz Society’s future on Southern Charm.

Kyle’s response to Craig’s Spritz Society venture


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During an episode of WWHL, Kyle starts by saying there’s really no bad blood, he wishes Craig the best, and he wants to take the high road about the whole situation even though it rubbed him the wrong way. Three seconds later… bad blood commences. After saying he doesn’t believe Craig made a legitimate investment in Spritz Society, Kyle goes on to say that Craig has a “reputation of lying” and Kyle’s now experiencing that because of the way Craig lied to him about his involvement with Spritz Society.

Kyle got increasingly upset as he shared that the “founder” of the competitor company took Kyle to dinner to “milk” him for information just days before Kyle found out he was bringing Craig aboard. This struck Kyle as dishonest.

He also took issue with Craig for claiming not to know that Loverboy made spritzes, canned cocktails, and other specialty beverages beyond tea. He says Craig has enjoyed those products during his stints on Summer House and Winter House. But Kyle did seem consoled by the fact that Loverboy is outselling the competitor, despite their recent “copycat” spritz launch this summer, so it’s not even a rivalry.

Ummm… if that was the high road I don’t even want to know what the low road entails!

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.