If you were worried Jesse Solomon was going to experience a sophomore slump and phone it in on season 2 of Summer House, I guess you can breathe a deep sigh of relief! Jesse has returned to the Hamptons with a lot of energy (energy that I would ironically categorize as “a lot,” now that I think of it), with most of it directed towards the women in the house. For the first few episodes, Jesse has been all over newbie Lexi Wood like the sand on the shore. But before I can truly believe Lexi has graciously been chosen to star as Jesse’s next musical muse, I’m going to need the answer to one simple question: Is there something going on between Jesse and Ciara? I know, I know, she already dated and berated his very best friend, but does that mean I’m supposed to turn a blind eye to the wayward glances from across the pool chairs and XL hugs? Maybe it’s just wishful thinking that Bed Bug #2 would pull the ultimate traitor move on Bravo’s most thirsty boy, but I’m investigating those Jesse Solomon and Ciara dating rumors on Summer House, just in case.
Jesse And Ciara Summer House Dating Rumors
Are Ciara and Jesse going to date on Summer House?
While the jury is still out, the flirty evidence is kinda giving maybe?? From the first weekend in the house, Jesse and Ciara have appeared a little hands-on, even in the context of Jesse’s usual OTT showmanship with the rest of the ladies (even Kyle yelled “stop Jesse” at the beach, FFS). What is my evidence, you may ask? I don’t know that this will hold up in court, but Jesse going back for an extra hug in the season premiere, some casual bicep/thigh touching by Ciara in episode 2, and Jesse going out of his way at the beach in episode 4 to yell “I want to sit next to Ciara” when Lexi was right there were enough for my spidey senses to start tingling.
However, episode 5 is when things get really juicy, so much so that producers clock the tension. Jesse has been using all of his female besties as a sounding board about how “fast” things are moving with Lexi (fast = Lexi wants Jesse to make her and her alone feel special in the house). When Paige asks Jesse to grab her suitcase, Jesse uses it as an opportunity to get Ciara one-on-one to talk about Lexi. Now, why did it feel like a classic “I’m talking to my crush about my other crush to see if they’ll get jealous” moment?? IYKYK.
While alone, Jesse mentions loving Ciara’s boobs (k!) and Ciara’s response is to massage Jesse’s shoulders and say how much she loves what a “guy” he is… hmm. Jesse jokingly asks Ciara if she has a crush on him. Even though Ciara tells Jesse no, she tells the producers she’s “never thought about Jesse in that way, BUT…” she enjoys how “stupid everything is” when they’re “giggling” together and admits she “likes stupid boys.” Whew, girl, I agree Ciara is her own biggest opp for sure. But frankly, hooking up with Jesse is the type of chaos I’d have to stan
Ciara Addresses Dating Jesse Solomon
During a panel at Fan Fest in 2024, a moderator asked Ciara, “Would you and Jesse Solomon ever get involved?” after Ciara explained she was done with “dusty” men like West (oh, how I hope, wish, and pray this is actually true). Ciara’s answer wasn’t quite a hard no. She acknowledged there was “enough speculation,” but she couldn’t “do another house romance” because she is “exhausted and needs a break” even though she “loves Jesse and [thinks] he’s amazing.” On paper, that reads like a no TY, but the way she was giggling and putting the rejection on anything but her feelings about the man says otherwise. In fact, Ciara ultimately said Jesse was a “trainable” 8/10 instead of a trash bag, which in her world is basically a love letter.