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Should You Have Veto Power Over Your Groom's Tux? This Viral Bride Did And Honestly... She's Not Wrong

As someone who is not yet betrothed, I still have the pleasure of imagining my perfect wedding day without the actual pressure of pulling off the perfect wedding. Somehow, as much as it would be cool to be a chill bride, I fear my inner perfectionist will pop out in unreal form.

That’s probably why when I heard a bride shut down her fiancé’s out-of-the-blue desire to wear a colorful tux, I instantly was on her side, with virtually no further questions. No, the tux isn’t blue (that would be too easy, wouldn’t it?). Alex’s hubby-to-be tossed out “maybe green,” and the comment section immediately had a field day about why it was “his wedding too,” so she couldn’t make a unilateral decision.

Here’s the thing. They’re actually wrong, and Alex (and I) are right, and I’m standing ten toes down on this one, y’all. Should you let your groom pick his tux on his own? Let me explain with a breakdown of that viral green tux bride TikTok drama.

Justice For Green Tux Bride On TikTok

@alexmryan collectively, we are deciding on a black tux 🙃🤞 Oh and we decided on short hair too !! #wedding #engaged #weddingplanning #relationship #relationshipgoals #humor #comedy #viral #fiance #weddingideas #pov #bride #bridetobe #2025bride #relatable #relatable #funny #couples #bridesoftiktok #2025wedding ♬ original sound – Alex

“I don’t think I want to wear a black tux,” Alex’s fiancé casually muses off-screen. “I don’t want to be like everyone else.” Alex begrudgingly inquires what “color he had in mind,” and he responds, “Hmmm, maybe green.” She shuts this down and suggests he think of “something else” he wants to decide for the wedding because a green tux ain’t gonna happen. Her caption pokes fun at how she put her foot down: “Collectively, we are deciding on a black tux… Oh, and we decided on short hair too!” (because her groom was also considering growing out his hair).

Surprisingly, all the comments defend the groom-to-be (first no-no: defending a man). They informed Alex it was his wedding too, marriage is about compromise, and even threatened if she doesn’t let him risk looking like Kermit the Frog on their wedding day “he can wear green at his next wedding.” Damn, girls!!

Here’s the context the angry comment mob is missing: Alex’s page is flooded with wedding planning videos with her fiancé. Meaning, this isn’t the day 1 brainstorming sesh, where no idea is a bad idea. Imagine you’ve spent months curating your wedding, including the venue and wedding colors (which clearly in this case don’t include green), and now the LOYL decides on a whim that he wants to channel Elphaba on your wedding day (I loved Wicked, too).

It’s not the mere concept of wearing green, which, of course, can be executed to be a major slay. It’s the way he’s clearly spitballing through ROYGBIV to land on this brilliant idea without a lot of thought. I’m sure if he had initially come prepared with a green vision he’s always dreamed of, his wifey-for-lifey wouldn’t have been so taken off guard, as she expressed in the comments.

BuT wHaT iF hE ToLd HeR ShE cOuLdN’t WeAr A dResS!?!? Sorry, whataboutism kings and queens, but “what if gender norms were switched around” is a silly question because, um, they’re not. In the society we currently exist in, a man telling a woman what to wear comes with a loaded history that does not exist in reverse.

As for weddings, in particular, the bride’s dress is probably the biggest visual focal piece of the entire ceremony (at least for the heteros). This is why women are conditioned (for better or worse) to grow up dreaming of what they want theirs to look like. If a bride wants a funky wedding dress, it’s probably not something she’s tossing out just “to be different” like Mr. Mans says here. All of that being said, if a bride woke up two months before her big day and randomly decided to tie-dye her dress, I would hope her groom (and bridal party) would encourage her to sit in that thought process before making any irreversible decisions.

And one more thing a lot of the girlbosses reacting to the video took big issue with Alex’s “smirk” and “chuckles” as she nixed the tux. Um, y’all, you do realize they’re getting married, right? If you’ve never laughed at a ridiculous idea your boyfriend had after a long day because you’re that comfortable with each other, I’d love to know where you found your perfect prince. (I once had an otherwise functional adult man tell me he wasn’t sure he needed to own spoons, for example.) That patient smirk is going to be VERY handy 20 years into the marriage, trust.

P.S. For those asking where the compromise was, it came at the 19-second mark when she told him he could decide something else for the day. Probably something that wouldn’t throw off the photos they’re going stare at every day until they die, lolz.

The Bride’s Response To The Backlash

@alexmryan We are giving the people what they want and we are officially on the hunt to find a green tux to try on !!! 🤵‍♂️Sad to report that after trying 5 different places & calling about 6 more, not a single store had a green tux soooo black it is 🤭 #greentux #greentuxbride #greentuxgirl #trending #wedding #vlogs #engaged #weddingplanning #relationship #relationshipgoals #humor #comedy #viral #fiance #weddingideas #pov #bride #bridetobe #2025bride #relatable #funny #2025weddings #relationships #barstool #viralvideo ♬ original sound – Alex

For a second I thought y’all won because Alex and her boo decided to humor “the people” by going wedding shopping for a green tux. She says in the update they wouldn’t decide on black until at least seeing what a green one would look like. But guess what?? After stopping at five different locations, even custom shops where she’d called ahead, there were no green tuxes available… hmm wonder why?

One commenter chastised Alex for considering green to please “the people” instead of to please her future husband, to which Alex responded “Can assure you the people cared A LOT more than he cares hahah.” To that point, when someone else wrote they bet the groom’s excitement for green would disappear “bc that was probably the max effort he was willing to put in” I literally clapped because, duh, THAT part. In any case, the couple was all smiles throughout the entire video, so it looks like tux-gate is a bigger problem for the internet than their wedding.

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.