Calvin Harris Wants To Get Back On Taylor Swift's Good Side

Last summer, Taylor Swift reached peak snake status. Kim Kardashian posted that infamous video recording on Snapchat, and Taylor broke up with Calvin Harris like a week after he was in a car accident. But one of the best parts was when Calvin completely went off about Taylor on Twitter.

It was just after “word got out” that Taylor had actually written the lyrics for “This Is What You Came For,” and Calvin was having none of it. He tweeted that Taylor should focus on her new relationship (Tom Hiddleston, RIP) instead of “tearing your ex bf down for something to do,” and that she was trying to “bury him like Katy but I’m not the guy.”

Cue applause, bouquets of flowers, Champagne, because it looked like Calvin was 100% fucking done with Taylor’s bullshit and was ready to go on the warpath. Buuuuuut it was all too good to be true. In new quotes that have surfaced from an interview with British GQ last year, Calvin says that he acted on the wrong instinct, and that he just snapped after feeling like his talent was belittled.

He says that he doesn’t blame Taylor but the media circus got to him and blah blah blah are you done yet? Like, sorry if Taylor’s 12-year-old fans aren’t buying your new album, but this is just lame. If Taylor went around apologizing after saying something bad about an ex, she literally wouldn’t have any music left. Her Spotify catalog would basically be “Welcome to New York,” and then some shit from the Hunger Games soundtrack.

Calvin, we liked you. Sometimes your taste in women is questionable, but you’ve given us no less than three Rihanna bangers, and for that we are grateful. Now grow a pair and don’t say anything nice about Taylor Swift ever again.