Image Credit: Doona / Nuna

I'm A Soon-To Be Mom And I Have No Clue WTF I'm Doing: Stroller Edition

I’d like to think that ignorance is bliss when it comes to pregnancy. Normally, when posed with a question about my health, work, or, you know, life in general, I turn to my old pal, Google. But as a  soon to be mom, for some reason, I’d rather not know in advance that I’ll develop a sneeze/gag hybrid when I’m hungry during my 3rd trimester. Surprises are the spice of life, am I right?! So I’ve abandoned every search bar out there (looking at you too, TikTok) and let my body (and doctor) do most of the talking.

Last month though, my mom sent me the most harmless albeit fully loaded text I think I’ve legit ever received…”Hey there! Do you have your registry done? Can you send it to me?” and when I say I nearly passed out in a cold sweat, I’m not exaggerating. I went down a social media worm hole trying to find the best strollers of 2024 and every single thing that someone might deem a “baby registry essential” while also trying to parse through the bullshit — and let me tell you, there’s a lot of it.

I’m going to make a bold statement here, but there are just too many options. There are luxury strollers (um…excuse me and my Bentley Trike?!), more affordable options, travel systems, specialty strollers, jogging strollers, and not to mention all the fucking accessories that go along with them. IDK what I’m having for dinner — let alone if I’m going to need an extra cup holder when I’m walking my child around.

So, I ditched my pregnancy cardinal rule and turned to the Internet  — AKA the Betches Moms instagram. (P.S. If you’re reading this and you’re a mom or soon-to-be-mom, I’d HIGHLY suggest giving them a follow if you want to feel slightly more sane). And because I’m going to continue to assume you’re either a mom or soon-to-be-mom reading this I’m going to give you the gift of time (so cringe, I know) and break down their answers quickly.

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Best Luxury Stroller of 2024

The UPPAbaby stroller must have some magical powers because I feel like everyone I know that has it claims it’s God’s gift to Earth (and it better be considering the price tag). I asked the moms on IG too, and they agreed. I won’t lie though, the one complaint I’ve heard about this one is that it’s super cumbersome — so, be aware especially if you plan on taking it in/out of the car a lot.

UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller

Best Affordable Stroller of 2024

Okay, we love a girl who can do both. And by both, I mean convert from a one-to-two seat stroller. Not only is the price tag actually reasonable, but you can plan on having this stroller for years to come even if your family continues to grow. Quick disclaimer from the @Betchesmoms audience: While we LOVE this stroller… it’s important to note that Mockingbird did have a voluntary recall back in 2022, so if you’re buying something on resale or from a friend, just double check you don’t need a frame reinforcement kit!

Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller 2.0

Best Travel System of 2024

Okay, so I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I want a travel system or not. Like, why wouldn’t you want a car seat and stroller from the same company? But, TBH, one mom from IG gave me some really good advice. ~drum roll please~ The answer on whether or not you should get one: it totally depends. If you live somewhere more rural where you’re driving, walking, traveling a lot — you’ll probably want something separate so you’re not *constantly* taking the car seat in and out of the car. If you live somewhere more urban, a travel system might be right for you! And TBH, the moms came in clutch with this affordable AND safe Chicco option. But, I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention the Nuna that got a ton of good reviews by my friends and family (it’s just a lot pricier).

Chicco Bravo 3-in-1 Trio Travel System

Nuna mixx™ next + pipa™ urbn travel system

Best Travel Stroller of 2024

I feel like the people who have one of these will not STFU about it. And… I guess for good reason. If you’re a traveler and need to get around there’s really nothing better than only having to bring one contraption with you (especially if you’re flying). One thing to note is that this is definitely an infant car seat and might not be suitable for a toddler like some of the others that your child can grow into.

Doona Infant Car Seat & Latch Base

Honorable Mention

I personally had never heard of this stroller before I made friends with all the @betchesmoms. They told me that this stroller is so much lighter compared to some of the competitors PLUS apparently it’s all the rage in France. And TBH, it’s got hella reviews on Google that make me super interested in giving it a try. That, and, who doesn’t want to be all French-like and bring up bébé?

Babyzen YOYO² Stroller

Abbey Westlin
Abbey Westlin
Abbey Westlin is a self-proclaimed iced coffee enthusiast, practitioner of beauty, and fashion connoisseur. By day, she makes a living by creating Fashion and Lifestyle content for Betches Media. By night, she enjoys cooking intricate meals, sipping a glass (or four) of rosé, and keeping up with the news. Follow her on Instagram @abbey_westlin.