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Picture this: You’re unpacking your things at a Pinterest-worthy hotel in Paris (the fashion capital of the world, may I remind you) when you pull out the most amazing black dress that you saved up for months to buy only to realize it legit looks like your dog rolled all over it before you neatly folded it into your suitcase. First of all, how did you NOT notice this before you left? Second, how rude of your dog to shed.
I’m not going to sugar coat this, the above anecdote is actually a true story *shudders*. And tbh, it stills haunts me that I couldn’t find a single thing to help pick off the hair on the dress so I wore it out like that. To make it even more cringe-worthy, a waitress promptly asked if I had pets when I sat down. The fucking horror.
Now that I’m older and wiser (chronically influenced), I had the wherewithal to find (binge viral products on TikTok) a good travel lint roller — something a gal should keep on her at all times, alongside a stain remover. And, let me tell you, the one I found has saved my life in so many situations. Okay, maybe it hasn’t actually saved my life, but it has saved me from having to completely remove black from my closet (which as a millennial, I absolutely would never do anyway).
This thing is literally so tiny and cute—this is a total tangent, but why are things so much cuter when they’re mini?! Because it’s the shape of a ball and not some awkward oblong mess, it can go just about anywhere and even fit into the smallest of handbags which makes it perfect for travel. It also comes in four different colors which makes me illogically happy because even though I know “aesthetic” is dead, I still want everything to be pleasing to look at — sue me.
Something else I love about it is the fact that it’s paperless. And while I’d do just about anything to keep the world from burning, selfishly, I love this sustainable aspect because I don’t need to find a trashcan every time I use it like the old-school paper ones. Plus, it’s beyond easy to clean — you just remove the inside clear, gel sphere and run it under some water to rinse it off and make it sticky again. It’s honestly the closest thing to magic I’ve seen since low-rise jeans fell out of style.
The best part? This travel-sized lint rolled actually works. I feel like with so many of these “viral” things you stumble upon on TikTok, they tend to be too good to be true. Not for this product — I honestly don’t think I’ll ever leave home without it again. Don’t het me wrong, I love my dog more than anything, but I’m pretty happy to be able to say “so long!” to the days of having to worry about pet fur on my black dresses.