7 Moves For A Full-Body Workout You Can Do In Your Dorm Room

The first semester of your freshman year can be pretty overwhelming. Like, between making those orientation week friends you’ll never talk to again, blacking out five times twice a week without your RA finding out, and trying to understand why the fuck you registered for a Monday 8am, your plate is pretty full. But while you’re still trying to figure out where the dining hall is, or when your roommate will break up with her high school boyfriend, you may also realize you HAVE THE TIME to work out. College isn’t as busy as you think, and squeezing in a workout only gets harder after graduation (trust us, we’re old). No one wants to pack on the freshman 15 before Thanksgiving, so we suggest getting started ASAP. In case you don’t feel like venturing to the campus gym yet (be honest, you don’t even know where it is), here’s a full body workout that you can do in your dorm room.

1. Jumping Jacks: 30 Seconds

Jumping jacks are pretty self-explanatory, but we’re starting with them because they do the trick when it comes to getting your heart rate up and warming up your body. Like, if you’ve been sitting in class all day, you’ll probably need to jump around to get your body ready for a workout. If you find you’re hitting your roommate’s IKEA lamp with your arms, just jog in place instead. The goal here is to just get your body warmed up without injuring anyone in your shoebox-sized room.

Jumping Jacks

2. Mountain Climbers: 30 Seconds

If you’re engaging the right muscles when doing mountain climbers, you really don’t need more than 30 seconds to start burning a ton of calories. Mountain climbers target your abs, shoulders, and legs, so make sure to keep your core engaged the whole time. Place your hands on the floor with your shoulders over your wrists and your legs straight back in a plank position. Then, climb your knees into your chest one at a time while engaging your core. The faster you go, the higher you’ll get your heart rate and the more calories you’ll burn, meaning the more shots you can take later without feeling guilty.

Mountain Climber Exercise

3. Plank Jacks: 45 Seconds 

Plank jacks basically combine the first two exercises we did, so the point is to keep your core activated while jumping your legs in and out, working your abs while doing cardio. In your high plank, keep your shoulders over your wrist while jumping your legs in and out, keeping your body in one straight line. If you find your butt is rising up, remember to pull your belly button in toward your spine so you’re using your abs in the movement and not just your legs.

Plank Jacks

4. Squat To Lunge: 1 Minute

This move is meant to be done a bit slower, so make sure you’re not rushing through it and fucking up your form. Squats and lunges both work your lower body, so keep this up and your butt and legs will look amazing by the time you need to wear six Halloween costumes in one slutty weekend. Start standing up with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands behind your head. Then, flex your knees and hips while sitting back with your hips. Squat down low and make sure your knees aren’t reaching over your toes, then stand up. After the squat, lunge one leg behind you into a 90 degree angle, then stand back up and alternate between the two.


5. Jump Squats: 30 Seconds

Jump squats sound pretty innocent, but you’ll find that 30 seconds are pretty hard to get through without collapsing on the floor. But like, don’t do that because your floor is probably v dirty. Squat jumps are just like the squats you were just doing, but with a jump in between each one. Duh. So basically, squat down until your elbows touch your knees, and then jump back up, extending your legs straight and landing in your squat again. Use your hands to push upwards. The momentum will help you jump without relying solely on your legs, but either way, your legs will be burning by the end of the interval.

Squat Jump

6. Tricep Dips: 1 Minute

It wouldn’t be college without mastering the skinny arm pose in every picture, and tricep dips really help make that less of a problem. Your triceps are the muscles that add any sort of shape to your arm, so if you’re looking to look toned (or just not 30+ pounds extra) in every group pic, we suggest you get to dippin’. This is a good move to do in a dorm room because you can use a bed or a chair. Facing backwards, place your hands on the bed or chair behind you. Slide your butt off the bed/chair with your legs extended out in front of you, and straighten your arms, keeping a little bend in your elbows. Then, slowly bend your elbows to lower your butt toward the floor and don’t stop until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. Then, press down with your hands to straighten out your elbows into the starting position. Dip up and down for the full minute.

Tricep Dips

7. Shoulder Tap To Plank: 30 Seconds Each

This last move is really two exercises in one, but your arms and abs are both super important so stop whining about it. Start in a plank position and then lift one hand off the ground, tapping your opposite shoulder. The, switch hands and alternate for 30 seconds, keeping your hips and shoulders square to the ground. DO NOT lift your hips, or else you’re totally taking the pressure off your abs, which is wasting everyone’s time. Once you finish your shoulder taps, hold a basic plank for 30 seconds, engaging your core and squeezing your butt the entire time.

Shoulder Tap Plank

Once you finish all seven moves, repeat the circuit anywhere from 1-3 times, depending on how much time you have. Like, if you NEED to rush to some welcome week karaoke night we get it, but maybe reconsider your priorities when you’re eating mozzarella sticks at a diner with your suitemates at 3am. Basically, try to squeeze in those extra rounds.