Memorial Day Weekend has officially ended and, sadly enough, you’re probs still hungover. There’s nothing worse than heading back to work knowing that your next holiday from reality, Fourth of July, is over a month away. HOW WILL WE EVER MAKE IT TO THOSE RED, WHITE, AND BLUE JELL-O SHOTS?! Well, one idea to pass the time while at your hellhole 9-5 is with some online shopping. Look, Karen in accounting doesn’t believe for a second that you actually know what the fuck you’re doing on Excel. You might as well stop pretending and, instead, be productive by shopping all the online summer sales. Pro tip: Maybe even pick out something sweet for Karen! She’ll remember it next time you show up 20 mins late with a Skinny Caramel Macchiato in hand.
Anyways, enough about Karen. Summer tends to be a slower month for retailers since everyone is either away on vacation or just outside doing warm-weather activities. You know, like, hiking and shit. Hard pass. It’s also the season that requires the least amount of clothing since it’s, like, hot af. This is good news for you, your wallet, and your Fourth of July wardrobe. Retailers start heavily marking down their spring/summer items during the months following Memorial Day in order to make space for their next big season: back-to-school. That being said, put this month’s paycheck to good use and take advantage of these amazing summer sales.
These are the clothing items that are worth buying during summer sales:
1. Denim Shorts
There’s nothing better than finally being able to wear shorts on the first barely-warm-enough day that it is socially acceptable to do so. Whether it’s because we’ve had a tough winter and gained a few, or are just over last summer’s short-shorts, it seems like we’re always in the market for a new pair of denim shorts. Post MDW, the shorts you were eyeing up at the beginning of spring will finally start getting marked down. TAKE ADVANTAGE. You’ll still have three plus months to wear them, so you’ll get immediate gratification from this purchase.
Show Me Your Mumu Cactus Hi Rise denim cutoff shorts ($118 $79.99)
2. Swimsuits
Most people will tell you to wait until August to buy swimwear. Most people are stupid. Swimsuits and swim accessories start getting marked down after MDW, particularly the styles that have been there since early spring. Don’t wait until August when the selection sucks and you have two weeks left to wear them. Start adding sale swimsuits to your cart now, and watch as the price continually drops over the next few weeks. Just don’t wait too long or all the good ones will be bought up by people who were smarter than you.
Kendall + Kylie Cutout one piece ($138 $97)
3. Formal Dresses
Why does it always feel like sorority formal is already, like, tomorrow? Or that wedding you RSVP’d to months ago is somehow next weekend??? You have nothing to wear and no time to shop. If you’re still in school, it’s pretty much guaranteed you’ll have some type of formal in the upcoming months. If you’re out of school, then you’ll have some wedding for some bitch who is, of course, “lucky enough to be marrying her best friend.” Gag me. Either way, you’re going to need a formal dress at some point in the near future and, believe it or not, NOW is the best time to shop for one. Since most people shop for formal dresses during the winter, you’ll be able to buy one now for an incredible price. Plus, you’ll have the added bonus of knowing that no other girl at the party will have your dress.
Privacy Please Columbia Mini dress ($158 $76)
4. Boots
Since everyone embraces the chance to show off their ugly, janky toes during the summer months, you’ll see amazing boots at even better prices. Alright, I know I sound like a used car salesman here, but this is legit. Boots might seem like an annoying purchase to make at the moment since you probs can’t wear them today (unless you live in Alaska or something), but just think how much your future self will thank you come September. Last summer, I bought a pair of Uggs for $60 instead of their original $200. It def wasn’t fun shelling out $60 for something I couldn’t get immediate use from but, as soon as ~Ugg season~ rolled around, I was pumped I had them. Knowing I had gotten the boots for suchhhh a great price literally gave me a feeling of satisfaction every single time I put them on. (And yes, Uggs are cool again. Don’t go fighting me about this in the comments—just trust me, I’m the fashion expert here.)
Raye x Revolve Farley boot ($248 $100)
5. Anything Spring/Summer
Remember that adorable tank you saw on the Free People catalogue a few months ago? Yeah, it’s on sale now. Post MDW, retailers are constantly marking down spring and summer pieces to make room for the fall collections. Take advantage of the system and go get that tank you’ve been eyeing up before they’re sold out. Just imagine how good you’ll look in your new tank while you’re out and pretending to ignore your fave fuckboy.
UO Empire Waist denim romper ($59 $29.99)
All you need now is to get through a few more weeks of hating your life before you’re back on vacay, looking hot af while blacking out on vodka sodas. You can do this.
Images: @rawpixel / Unsplash; South Moon Under; Revolve (3); Urban Outfitters
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