There has been an increased desire to move abroad lately. I mean, with the gold ole red, white and blue going down the shitter faster than the third season of Revenge, can you really blame us? I’ve heard of people trying to finesse a move to Canada, the UK, ya know, the usual English-speaking suspects. But now there’s a new spot to add to list: Sweden. Why? Because they’re maybs implementing daily hour-long sex breaks from work—yes, just so you can go home and have sex. I’m not making this shit up. And no, it’s not just called “lunch.”
You’re probably wondering why tf would that even be a thing, which I get, because I too am an American workaholic who doesn’t take time to enjoy the little things like a midday quickie. The reason actually makes sense, tbh. Sex makes you happy. Sex makes you healthy. Happy and healthy people just don’t shoot their husbands make for better employees. Fucking duh. It also makes sense because Swedish employees already work less than any other Europeans (which is saying a lot), so what’s another hour everyday, amiright?
The guy heading this motion, who is probs a total fuckboy or a character in Anchor Man, doesn’t see why the motion would be stopped. So I guess we’re all moving to Sweden because who doesn’t love more sex and less work?