The Guy Who Played Aaron Samuels Roasted Lindsay Lohan In The Most Hilarious Way

Jonathan Bennett aka Aaron Samuels recently got interviewed after a Mean Girls screening (These exist? Why am I not attending regularly?) to discuss the possibility of a sequel and talk shit about a bunch of celebrities. TooFab presented him with a Burn Book featuring some of his Mean Girls co-stars, pop singers, etc. and asked him to “burn” the celebrity whose picture they showed. We learned a few things from this whole debacle, namely that Jonathan Bennett is the worst at talking shit except when it comes to Lindsay Lohan, in which case he’s an absolute savage.

Rachel McAdams was up first and Jonathan’s “burn” was that she has the “softest lips” he’s ever kissed and is the “most beautiful person ever.” I get that it’s pretty hard to find a flaw in Rachel McAdams but come on, that’s pathetic even if she was half a virgin when she met him. Jonathan then proceeded to nice talk Lacey Chabert, who he said is like a sister, and Amanda Seyfried, who he called “one of the sweetest people ever.” Then it got to Lindsay and everything fell apart in the most amazing way possible.

It all started with the interviewer showing Jonathan her picture and him responding with the sentence, “That’s not Lindsay.” To be clear, this wasn’t some sketchy paparazzi photo, it was a standard headshot of her smiling, meaning he straight-up forgot what her face looked like. This is obviously priceless for several reasons, but to be fair he’s probably not the first person to selectively forget an experience with LiLo at this point.

Jonathan Bennett Mean Girls Premiere

To make matters worse even better, he then holds the picture closer to his face, pretends to recognize her and follows this with a “Linds, lookin’ good! Lindsay, looking really good.” He delivers this with enough condescension to clearly mean, “Wow, you don’t look nearly as strung out as I remember!” He finally throws in a “Really coming together Linds,” which is probably the most brutal part of the entire thing. What’s “really coming together,” her looking semi-normal in a picture? True though. Regina would be so proud. 

Watch the whole video below if you like, care.