Is This Proof Harry & Meghan Are Difficult To Work With?

Remember back in May, when we were all celebrating the birth of Master Archie? Yeah, that was less than two months ago. Wow, time really flies when you accomplish nothing with your life. Anyway, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are no doubt still adjusting to being parents for the first time, but things haven’t been all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to their staff. This week, reports surfaced that the couple have just hired their third nanny in six weeks, which, even with no additional context, seems like kind of an alarming pace to be going through nannies.

For reference, it seems like Will and Kate have had much better luck with their child care situation. They’ve worked with the same nanny, Maria Borrallo, since the birth of their first son George in 2013. According to author Louise Heren, who is an expert on British nannies (lol, who knew such a thing existed), Kate and Maria’s relationship is “very close, and they collaborate greatly on the care of the children.” I’m assuming the same can’t be said for any of the Sussex’s nannies thus far.

Because this is the Palace we’re dealing with, details on the circumstances of the first two nannies leaving are pretty light, but of course rumors have started to circulate. While it seems entirely possible that both parents might have been monsters, British tabloids have been quick to jump to the conclusion that Meghan must be a nightmare to work with. This seems like a pretty sexist assumption, as if the nannies couldn’t possibly have an issue with Harry.

The one piece of evidence as to why Meghan might actually be difficult is that the nannies are far from her first staff members who have left their positions. In the year since her wedding, to Harry, her personal assistant, personal bodyguard, and assistant private secretary have all left with little public explanation. People leave jobs all the time for all kinds of reasons, but it does seem like a lot of people leaving what would theoretically be pretty appealing jobs.

Interestingly enough, another report surfaced today that Meghan and Harry aren’t really as rich as you might think. They apparently don’t have access to the same royal financial resources as Kate and William, and therefore their house staff is very limited. They reportedly don’t even have a chef (peasants!), and Meghan orders her groceries from the UK equivalent of Fresh Direct. I don’t know why I find this so funny, but it’s actually pretty refreshing. Maybe the nannies are leaving because the Sussexes can’t offer a competitive salary and benefits?

For now, I’m just hoping nanny three works 0ut, because Meghan and Harry really don’t need any more drama. On top of being new parents, there’s still some lingering tension stemming from the rumors of the fallout surrounding William’s alleged cheating. Maybe Meghan and Harry are firing nannies on purpose to keep attention away from William? Maybe they couldn’t keep a secret, and had to be let go? Maybe Archie is a difficult af baby?! I don’t know, and neither does anyone else, really. What I do know is that I’m f*cking pumped for them to get to this stuff on season 26 of The Crown. 

Images: Getty Images; sussexroyal / Instagram; Giphy

Dylan Hafer
Dylan Hafer has watched over 1000 episodes of Real Housewives because he has his priorities in order. Follow him on Instagram @dylanhafer and Twitter @thedylanhafer for all the memes you could ever want.