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Is Teresa And Luis' Love Bubble Still In Tact? An Investigation

Teresa Giudice and Luis Ruelas’ whirlwind romance was a conversation starter from the very beginning, and not just because Luis is redder than the Kool-Aid Man. Tre is no stranger to problematic relationships, but something about Luis’ hasty arrival on the scene was more unsettling to the group than Joe Giudice ever was. Regardless of outsiders’ opinions, Teresa and Luis have firmly remained in their love bubble, which has gotta be made at Teflon at this point, and proceeded with their $500K August 2022 wedding complete with internet-breaking giant hair. But has the chatter stopped now that they’re over a year into their marriage? Of course not. Rumors have been stirring since the filming of season 14 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey began that strange things were afoot in the new mini-mansion Teresa bought for her and her man. So at the risk of getting a table thrown my way, I have to ask: are Luis and Teresa still together?

Are Teresa Giudice and Luis “Louie” Realas getting divorced?

Teresa and Luis on vacation
Image Credit: Getty Images

No. The couple is still happily together if we’re to take Teresa’s word for it. In the fall of 2023, rumors speculated that money-related cracks in the couple’s armor were becoming the focus of RHONJ season 14. In the season 14 trailer, Jennifer Aydin says Teresa is “devastated” about something over footage of Teresa crying alone at her dining room table. Whether there is any truth to those rumors remains to be seen as the season continues to air. Back in February of 2024 fans were also shocked to see Teresa on a girl’s trip without Luis in Miami, thinking his lack of presence on her socials lately could be indicative of more. Teresa shut those assumptions down on her podcast, because even though she and Luis are “attached at the hip” she noted it’s only healthy to take some time apart. While I totally agree with the sentiment, it’s weird hearing it come from Teresa after her staunch defense of her intense relationship across previous seasons. RHONJ history has also shown that if something shady is going on in the Giudice home, Teresa isn’t exactly going to be forthright about telling her family and friends, let alone the public.

In general, Luis’ questionable business practices have made Teresa’s fans worried about what could happen to her if they do divorce. Luis, who has a tricky relationship history, recently hastily shut down a construction business leaving Frankie Jr. out of a job. Then there was of course his showdown with Joey Gorga at the season 13 reunion about pulling out of a pizza oven venture. Teresa has already gone to prison as a result of her partner’s bad business dealings, so let’s hope if there is trouble in paradise, it won’t end criminal indictments this time.

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.