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A Cock Ring Gave Me The Best Sexual Experience I've Ever Had

Asking me to pick my favorite kind of sex toy is like asking someone to pick their favorite child. Okay, not exactly, but think of Batman without his gadgets — he’s just a regular guy in a weird costume. Basically, I’m trying to say I’m a fan of sex toys and my expansive collection of them is just more proof of that. And while each sex toy has its purpose that can help take solo or partnered sex to the next level, I’ve always had a special place in my heart for cock rings.

Cock rings aren’t just a pretty decoration for your dick — they’re rings of typically rubber or silicone material that wrap around the penis (and sometimes even the testicles) and slow blood flow so that erections can feel harder and last longer. There are some that literally just rings and others that have attachments so that the cock rings vibrate as well.

I orgasmed four times in a row the first time I used a vibrating cock ring. To this day, it was one of the best sexual experiences I’ve ever had, which is why I’m such a big advocate of people trying them out during partnered sex at least once. But if you’re a little nervous about basically strangling your own or your partner’s penis, I get it. Here’s a quick guide on how to use cock rings so that you both can have a great time in bed.

How To Wear Cock Rings 

postpartum sex positions
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Like any sex toy, it’s important that you thoroughly wash your cock ring before using it, so make sure you follow any instructions it comes with (especially if it vibrates). Before you do anything, you’re going to want to grab the lube. Even if you don’t plan on moving the ring up and down, it can really help with comfort to add lube directly to the inside of the ring. Then, on a soft penis (or one that’s not too hard), you want to stretch the ring and place it over the shaft of the penis or all the way to the bottom of your testicles. You’re going to want to remember a few things while you’re doing this. One, go slow as fuck. The last thing you want is for someone’s balls to get hurt in the process. Trust me, the mood will be instantly killed. And two, do not snap the ring. Once you’ve got it in the position you want, make sure you’re placing it there and not just letting it go.

And if you’re using a cock ring that’s vibrating, make sure the attachment that vibrates is pointed out so that it’s easy to access for a partner. For vulva owners, rubbing up against this attachment during penetrative sex can create amazing sensations that can definitely lead to orgasms — sometimes multiple orgasms.

What Are The Best Cock Rings?

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Before you can get started with a cock ring, it’s important that you choose the right one for you. Think about what you want to achieve. Is the main focus that the person wearing the ring should last longer? Do you want it to benefit both of you with a little vibrating action? The type of cock ring you get can really make or break your experience using it, so here are some great options to choose from.

Syeda Khaula Saad
Syeda Khaula Saad
Syeda Khaula Saad is a sex & dating writer at Betches despite not remembering the last time she was in a relationship. Just take her word for it.