A Strongly Worded Letter To Women Against Feminism

Dear Women Against Feminism,

“I don’t need feminism [because] I don’t need something that tells me the actions of a slut are okay and then that the possible evidence of those actions can be thrown away like they were like nothing but a clump of tissue.”

That is a quote from your anti-feminist Tumblr “WomenAgainst Feminism.” The first thing we have to say to you is to learn English. What are you even trying to say here? We’re fairly certain you’re attempting a form of slut-shaming, which is awful by itself, but you’re also saying feminists throw away the “evidence” of slutty actions. What evidence? Promiscuity is not a crime, and feminists aren’t out to prove their sexual expression. Are you trying to say like, you don’t think women should be allowed to sleep around and still be able to legally obtain an abortion? Because having your birth control fail is not “the actions of a slut.” Getting sexually assaulted is not “the actions of a slut.” Having inadequate or no access to birth control and poor sex education is not “the actions of a slut.” What I’m saying is, there are about a million reasons to terminate a pregnancy and I’d bet none of them are “I thought it would be way easier and less invasive than talking a Plan B.”

“Patriarchy doesn’t exist. If it did, then we would have no rights. What kind of patriarchy gives women the exact same rights as men? Not a very effective one.”

Where do we even start with this one?

1. The Patriarchy has existed, and still does exist. It existed when women didn’t have suffrage. It exists now, when women compose half of the United States, but less than 20% of Congress. It exists across the world where a woman is killed to preserve a family’s honor after being raped (side note: feminism isn’t just about America).

2. The Patriarchy is not one man. It is not your loving boyfriend. It is not your dad. It is not that guy you’re seeing. The Patriarchy is society’s collective prejudice, intentional or not, against women that is a result of centuries of male oppression.

3. Women don’t have the exact same rights as men. Ever heard of countries outside the first world? Yeah. Not so great for women.

4. Did you just applaud the “ineffective patriarchy” for giving you rights?

“I don’t need feminism” because:

  • I am an adult who is capable of taking responsibility for myself and my actions.
  • I define myself and derive my value by my own standards. I don’t need to be “empowered.”
  • I am not a target for violence and there is no war against me.
  • I respect men. I refuse to demonize them and blame them for my actions.

That’s fantastic. You sound like a strong independent woman. It sounds like you’re… empowered. Furthermore, you are a target for violence. We’re not saying men don’t experience violence or sexual assault. They do; it’s not to be overlooked. But an overwhelming majority of sexual assault is on women. Why? Because these offenders were raised in a patriarchal society that taught them a woman’s body is not her own, that the way she dresses and acts is consent, and that women are nothing more than sex objects. And we repeat, feminists are not out to demonize men. They place partial faults on the Patriarchy, which does not equal “men.” Fucking, duh.

“I don’t need feminism.”

Comments on this post include:

“now once more with your top off kthx”

“and cover these boobs, you slut! (god, why?)”

“will this woman please make me a sandwich?”

Clearly. Clearly you don’t need feminism. Clearly these commenters are looking at you as a person, not a sandwich-making boob robot.

Here’s the thing. Feminists aren’t hairy women hating all men and calling rape on everyone who looks at them. Certainly, there are those people who hate men who call themselves feminists. But feminism is an attempt to help women stand on equal grounds socially and politically with men.

Like, we’re not going to tell you what to believe, we’re just telling you what you believe is completely wrong and probably doing women everywhere a disservice.

Very truly yours,

Feminist Betches

The Betches
Aleen, Sami, and Jordana are the three co-founders of Betches. Aleen serves as Chief Executive Officer, Sami as Chief Creative Officer, and Jordana as Chief Innovation Officer.