There’s a very fine line between flattering imitation and creepy stalker behavior, and Ariana Grande impersonator Paige Neimann is seemingly willing to tight-rope walk right along it. The 20-year-old content creator has millions of followers on TikTok and Instagram who all tune in to watch her replicate Ariana’s looks. And it’s kind of uncanny how good she is at it. Like, I honestly have a hard time telling her apart from Ariana in most of her posts, which is super unsettling.
For a while, Paige Neimann kept her Ariana Grande impersonations to social media. But that all changed on January 29 when she brought the Ariana impression out to the streets, or at least to a red carpet. Paige Neimann attended the Companion movie premiere looking pretty much exactly like Ariana Grande. Countless people have commented on Paige’s posts to remind her “you’re not Ariana” and to say that she’s “obsessed” with Ariana. But, Paige keeps posting away and simply refers to her Ariana-inspired looks as “cosplay.”
Paige has been impersonating Ariana online since 2016, and when she first started posting, she did impressions of Ariana as her Victorious character Cat Valentine. Back in 2019, Ariana herself commented on the videos and called them “bizarre.” But, even Ariana herself couldn’t stop Paige Neimann from continuing her Ariana Grande impersonations.
Who Is Ariana Grande Impersonator Paige Neimann?
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Paige Neimann says she was first told she looks like Ariana Grande when she was 10 years old, which is around the time she started recreating her looks and posting them online. She started with the Cat Valentine impressions, and then started donning a brunette ponytail when Ari did. And of course, when Ari’s blonde Glinda period began, so did Paige’s.
But, Paige is apparently allowed to only go so far with her Ariana impressions. In 2024, she was reportedly banned from TikTok, and a lot of Arianators suspect it’s because she was using TikTok to promote her OnlyFans account where she was allegedly posting explicit content while looking like Ariana. Definitely not okay. Since then, she’s back on TikTok, and still sharing Ariana lookalike posts.
After Ari called Paige’s posts “bizarre,” Paige clapped back. In 2020, she said in a livestream, “I’m used to Ariana shading me, so it’s whatever. I’m just here to entertain people. It’s not how I am in real life. It’s kind of why I’m not a fan of her anymore, honestly.” Hmm, for someone who’s not a fan of Ari, she sure spends a lot of time looking like her.