Image Credit: Photo by Ivan Babydov via Pexels

I Don't Want Kids But I Have A Breeding Kink

I’ve known for a while that I don’t want kids — but with the way I talk during sex you probably wouldn’t believe me. Between the emphatic “cum in me” and getting instantly wet whenever a man tells me they want to make my “birth control stop working,” it wouldn’t be preposterous for one to assume that I wanted nothing more than to be impregnated. It’s true that having a man tell me he wants to get me pregnant is a huge turn-on — but only in a sexual context. If someone I’m sleeping with actually expresses the desire to start a family with me, that’s when I run for the hills.

I have no desire to ever become a mother, but there’s just something about a fine-ass man telling me he wants to “fill me up” that gets me hot like nothing else.

So how can someone be 1000% sure they don’t want kids but find nothing sexier than getting creampied (AKA letting someone ejaculate in your vagina or anus)? Well, the experts would say I’m teetering on the line of a breeding kink.

eggplant penis
Image Credit: Photo by Dainis Graveris via Pexels

What Is A Breeding Kink?

A breeding kink sounds kind of gross and backward, but it’s simply when someone is aroused at the idea of getting pregnant or impregnating someone.

“For some, it’s about eroticizing the experience of receiving and holding ejaculate, while others enjoy the excitement of not knowing if pregnancy might happen,” Leah Levi, psychologist and sex expert at Flure, tells Betches“It’s not just about the risk, though it can also be about the intimacy and symbolism tied to the act.”

Now, if you don’t want kids like me, you’re probably thinking, “Why would this turn someone on?” Well, it’s not so much about actually wanting to have children.

Levi explains that fantasy, arousal, and connection are really the main components of a breeding kink. It’s the physical sensations that come from ejaculating in someone (or being on the receiving end), as well as the mere idea of impregnating someone (or getting impregnated), that people really enjoy.

“For many, the kink revolves around intimacy and a desire to feel closer to their partner,” Levi says. “The idea of ‘breeding’ can symbolize trust, vulnerability, and emotional connection, making it more about the experience than the outcome.”

There are also a lot of sexy power dynamics at play when you explore a breeding kink. The whole idea of giving and receiving control (or cum, in this case) has many dominant/submissive undertones. 

And even though there’s a lot of talk and fantasy about getting pregnant, there are usually a lot of precautions in place so that doesn’t happen. You would never let me catch a partner ejaculating in me if I wasn’t on birth control.

“It’s less about real-life consequences and more about the emotional, symbolic, and physical aspects of the act,” Levi explains. 

Do I Have A Breeding Kink Or Do I Just Like Creampies?

First of all, if you weren’t a delinquent exploring Urban Dictionary as a teenager like I was, you might be thinking “WTF is a creampie?” The slang comes from those delicious Thanksgiving pies your grandma would make filled with vanilla custard. Well, the concept isn’t much different — a “creampie” in sex is whenever someone ejaculates inside of someone else, whether it’s in their vagina or anus. The name originated from porn in the early 2000s and has made its way to sexts everywhere today.

So, if you’re a girlie sitting there thinking, “Well, I really like getting creampied… do I have a breeding kink?” — well, it’s a little more complicated than that. And the reality is that it really depends on what about creampies it is that turns you on so much.

“While both kinks involve ejaculation, they differ in focus and arousal,” Levi explains. If you have a creampie kink, it has a lot to do with the physical and visual appeal. You’d be turned on by just the feel of semen inside of you or the view of it dripping out of a vagina or anus.

A breeding kink, on the other hand, is a lot more than just about ejaculation — it’s about fantasy, risk, and emotions. 

How Do I Practice A Breeding Kink Safely?

So you think you might have a breeding kink. Lovely, welcome to the club. But it’s not just something you can dive into without much thought. If you’re in a relationship but don’t want children, we’re going to have to touch on contraceptives. And if you’re not in a relationship or exclusively sleeping with one person… we’re going to have to talk about STDs.

Before anything, whether you’re single or not, you need to focus on consent and communication when exploring a new kink — especially one that involves semen going anywhere. Levi stresses that establishing boundaries is key before diving into any kink, especially breeding.

After you’ve gotten an excited “yes,” you need to get tested. Exploring a breeding kink typically means having unprotected sex. And if you’re hooking up with multiple people or with someone who has other partners, you want to make sure you’re both getting tested often.

Then, for the girlies like me who just like the risk of pregnancy but not so much the idea of a real pregnancy, you’re going to have to explore some other contraception options. I personally use a combined hormonal pill, but use whatever you and your OB/GYN decide is good for you.

But if all of this sounds like too much, don’t worry — a breeding kink isn’t off the table. Levi suggests playing into the fantasy of the kink can help you get turned on even if you’re skipping out on some of the physical aspects of it. She suggests dirty talk and role-play. But if you really do need the sensation, well, thankfully, they make ejaculating dildos.

Syeda Khaula Saad
Syeda Khaula Saad is a sex & dating writer at Betches despite not remembering the last time she was in a relationship. Just take her word for it.