
Oversharing from Betches Media is all about the challenges we face in all kinds of relationships — from friendships to family, long-term partnerships, or even dealing with the customer service rep that makes you want to scream into a pillow. Betches co-founder and relationship enthusiast Jordana Abraham has teamed up with her big sister, licensed clinical therapist Dr. Naomi Bernstein, to answer your questions and try to get to the bottom of the things that bother us most. Think of Jordana and Dr. Naomi as your BFF and your therapist, sitting side-by-side at the brunch table trying to help you get through your problems. Each week, they’re responding to listener emails, tackling difficult ethical questions, playing games, and so much more. Because sometimes we really need advice from people with no skin in the game. And let’s face it, your friends can’t stand to hear that story one more time.

Subscribe to Oversharing: Calm TF Down now!

We get it, you want to start meditating. But everything you’ve tried is too serious, too boring, and totally unrelatable. If lavender candles, an Enya playlist, and endless sun salutations simply aren’t doing the trick, this podcast from Betches Media might finally be the thing to help you breathe. (Literally.) In a series of guided meditations, sisters Jordana Abraham and Dr. Naomi Bernstein will support you through many of life’s biggest challenges with some much-needed serenity — and, of course, a bit of laughter. Calm TF Down is the same Oversharing podcast you love listening to every week, but with an added dose of zen to help you get through life’s challenges. Become a subscriber to receive ad-free versions of all our new episodes, plus bonus subscriber-only guided meditations every month. To sign up and calm TF down today, head to:

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All episodes of the podcast will be available ad-free. Plus, you’ll get two exclusive bonus meditations episodes each month.

Are you taking anything away from the old Oversharing podcast feed?

Nope! All the same old Oversharing episodes are available for non-subscribers.

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Sign up directly on the Betches site to get access to bonus episodes and future perks! You can also subscribe on Apple by going to the same-old Oversharing channel on the Apple Podcast app and clicking the subscribe button. Simple as that!

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You will need to subscribe directly through the Betches site, but, once you do, you will be able to listen to your premium episodes on Spotify. When you subscribe on the Betches site, you will be taken through a few quick steps allowing you to seamlessly integrate Oversharing: Calm TF Down into your Spotify app. We got you!

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After subscribing, you will be guided through a few quick steps to seamlessly integrate your premium episodes into your preferred podcast platform. Yeah, it’s almost too easy. we know. Then, start listening and enjoy!

How often are the exclusive subscriber-only bonus episodes released?

The two bonus meditations arrive in your podcast feed on the first day of each month, be sure to keep an eye out for it.

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We hate to see you go, but we know this doesn’t mean goodbye forever. If you want to cancel your subscription on Apple, simply go to this Apple landing page and follow the instructions on your device. To cancel on the Betches site, navigate to your subscription page here.

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Latest Episodes

Where to Start

Beefing With My Dying Mother In Law

Trigger Warning: This week’s Betchicist deals with the subject of sexual assault. This week, Jordana and Dr. Naomi talk about reframing the way you assess your own life and breaking away from the idea that you’re “too old” to do things. Our Overshare comes from a Betch who wonders why he still hasn’t decided whether or not he wants kids, when everyone around him seems to have it figured out. Today’s Betchicist goes out to a survivor who is struggling to navigate the lingering trauma of their assault. Dr. Naomi writes an intention for the frustrations of homeownership. And we’re feeling triggered by mothers-in-law who exclude us from their funerals and unsolicited advice about weight loss. If you’d like to get these episodes a day early and ad-free, plus two bonus episodes per month where we answer more emails and have follow-up conversations with listeners for real-time advice, make sure to subscribe at!

I’m Resentful Of Being A Stay At Home Mom

This week, Jordana and Dr. Naomi talk about splurging on your family, and learning how to show appreciation even when you receive a gift that you don’t love. Our Overshare comes from a Betch who wonders if it’s her place as a stepmom to critique her partner’s parenting style. Today’s Betchicist goes out to a mom feeling frustrated with family members giving unapproved gifts to her kid. Dr. Naomi writes an intention for managing stress without letting it manifest into a short temper. And we’re feeling triggered by getting left out of Secret Santa, and parents who don’t prioritize our sobriety journey.

How Thankful Do We Need To Be For Gifts?

This week, Jordana and Dr. Naomi are holding space for the pressures of New Year's resolutions, encouraging everyone to enjoy the moment without the weight. Together, they explain the importance of balancing self-improvement with self acceptance and how a "resolution audit" may be the trick to accomplishing your 2025 goals. Our Overshare comes from a Betch who wonders if she should cut her losses after a surprising relationship renegotiation. Today's Betchecist wants to know if she is the one being dramatic over, what she calls, a family of Grinches. And we're feeling triggered by people who don't say thank you for their gifts and an airline seat debacle that makes you wonder AITA?

The Hosts

Jordana Abraham
Jordana Abraham is the co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer of Betches who enjoys dispensing advice on all things relationships. In her free time she can be found roasting Christmas trees and watching very bad reality TV. She also co-hosts the Oversharing and @Betches podcasts.
Dr. Naomi Bernstein
Dr. Naomi Bernstein is a licensed therapist specializing in couple's therapy, marriage counseling, and relationship issues like break-ups and unhealthy relationship patterns.