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Bob The Drag Queen Is In The Hot Seat For Hunting Housewives On 'Traitors' Season 3

So far, I would describe season 3 of The Traitors with three choice letters: WTF. It’s like every moment I think I know what’s going to happen in this game, Alan Cumming shows up with a cape full of chaos. This game is all about fake murder, so it’s a given that someone is going to die every week, but damn, I didn’t expect two of the first three victims were going to be Real Housewives Dorinda Medley and Chanel Ayan. The moment I saw that red “X” over Dorinda’s portrait, I tearfully pleaded, “Please say sike.”

With two big-mouthed Real Housewives who make excellent television getting early dismissal, the Bravoverse is poised to show up at the castle doors with pitchforks and tiki torches. (That’s a RHONY reference, not an alt-right one! Pay attention, pls.) Now, a spicy theory has spread online that Traitor #1, Bob, has it out for the Real Housewives??? Bob The Drag Queen responded to The Traitors’ Housewives drama, and you’re going to want to hear this.

Why does Bob The Drag Queen want to get rid of Housewives on Traitors?

bob traitors
Image Credit: Getty Images

Bob (who uses she/her and he/him pronouns) has clarified through exclusive BTS content that he is not trying to claim the title of Housewives Hunter, so I need y’all to take a deep breath. While I’m equally as disturbed we didn’t get to see Dorinda throw down at a round table, nor Chanel Ayan run through The Highlands in a designer gown, Bob doesn’t have a secret agenda to get every Bravo employee out of there for whatever reason (especially, screentime). If you know Bob (which, apparently, a lot of viewers don’t??), she’s known for being a scene stealer among a stage filled with literal drama queens, so commanding attention isn’t something she needs to deviously manipulate.

In the YouTube video, Bob explained, “The Survivor people and the Big Brother people have all backstabbed each other. They’ve hurt each other, so they are not buddy-buddy. The Housewives are buddy-buddy, and we do not think they will turn on themselves,” so by killing them off, their strength in numbers is reduced. I’m still annoyed as a Bravo fan, but the logic def tracks.

As to why Dorinda had to be the first to go, Bob doubled down. He wasn’t coming for The Lady of Blue Stone Manor for personal reasons because he had “no clue who Dorinda is,” so he wasn’t afraid to say, “Girl, kill her.” Bob elaborated in the interview that she simply thought, “Let’s pick someone, because they’re all strangers to [him].”

Why are all the Housewives getting killed on Traitors?

Let’s be honest, being a Real Housewife is probably the highest reality TV accolade in that house. Whether you love them, hate them, or pretend you’re not listening to them while your girlfriend binges their brawls on Bravo, everyone knows a Real Housewife (if not several) by face and catchphrase. Most of the other cast members are far more niche, so it only makes sense the loud ladies enter with the biggest targets on their backs. Phaedra almost taking home the big prize in season 2 only furthered the narrative that Housewives are players to be afraid of.

During that season, the Housewives did band together, which makes sense considering the Bravo bubble is strong and mighty. Most of these gals frequently rub elbows between The Clubhouse, BravoCon, and Andy Cohen’s inner circle. Do I understand why little Davids from less mainstream shows in the US, like Big Brother, are tempted to come for The Goliath of primetime conflict? Unfortunately, I do. Even Alan agrees that the mere notion that Traitors were after the Housewives last year is why this season’s villains were wise for leaning into that fear again.

I do think next season’s twist needs to be that at least one Housewife enters the competition with a shield to balance it all out. Also, send in some Wives with longstanding beef, like Carole and LuAnn. That’ll shake things up, for sure.

Marissa Dow
MARISSA is a trending news writer at Betches. She's more than just another pop-culture-addicted-east-coaster-turned-LA-transplant...she's also an upcoming television writer and aspiring Real Housewife (whichever comes first). Live, laugh, balegdah.