A Super Wolf Blood Moon Is Real & It's Here: Weekly Horoscopes, January 21-24

If you live in a place that isn’t perpetually overcast (I don’t), chances are you got a glimpse of the eclipse on Sunday night. Or, more likely, you saw 100 grainy stories on Instagram this morning from your friends who don’t understand how cameras work. This wasn’t just any old regular eclipse my friends. Oh no, it was the Super Blood Wolf Moon. What does that mean? It varies by sign, of course, but the general trend is this: change is coming. Good? Bad? Entirely unwarranted? Find out below in your betchy weekly horscopes.


Been feeling a bit restless lately, Aries? Don’t worry, it’s to be expected. However, just because the eclipse is surfacing these feelings out of the blue doesn’t mean you have to ignore them. What’s important now is to listen to your gut. Does the idea of change have you feeling more relieved than you expected? Well then, go with it! Are you full of dread at the very thought of shifting a single aspect of your current life? Well then, maybe take a step back. The eclipse is here to make you think about these things, but what you decide to do about it is 100% up to you.


After a few recent setbacks, the idea of overhauling your entire life on the whim of the moon sounds kind of appealing, doesn’t it, Taurus? Well…don’t. Changes made in your life right now should be done through the lens of positive change, not because you’re spiraling. Like, if you wake up tomorrow and think “wow I should get bangs,” please lock yourself in your home for at least 24 hours as you clearly aren’t in the state of mind to be making a single decision. Spend this week laying low and taking stock of your life, and if you still feel like Marie Kondo-ing every aspect of it after that, then by all means, get those bangs.


Things are good for you right now, Gemini. Like, really good. And that would be great and dandy except for the fact that you are going to spend the rest of the week convincing yourself that that’s not the case. The eclipse is going to have you feeling slightly uneasy, which means you’re about to overanalyze every aspect of your life in the hopes you find a flaw. Well guess what? If you go looking for flaws, you will probably find them. Instead, try sitting back and focusing on the many positives that you have going right now. While your raging anxiety is likely to stick around, take solace in the fact that this will pass.


You didn’t need the eclipse to start contemplating change, Cancer. Let’s face it, you’ve been looking for an out for a while now, and this super blood wolf moon showed up right in the nick of time. But no one else needs to know that, right? Feel free to use this astrological event as the push you needed. Tired of your job? Get a new one. Feeling stuck in your relationship? End it. Want bangs? Don’t do that. Please. But everything else is fair game.


The last few weeks (or let’s be real…months) have had you feeling off your game, Leo. That lack of control, that feeling of disconnect, is your kryptonite, but this blood moon just might be the remedy you’ve been searching for. Your mojo is back, and you only needed an eclipse to find it. Crazy, right? Use this window of unwieldy change to right size your life, whatever that means for you. Just be sure to navigate around the feelings of those closest to you. They may have been blissfully unaware of your state of mind recently, and a sudden disruption will seem entirely out of the blue to them.


This is a good news, bad news situation. The bad news? It’s time to finally address those pesky problems you’ve been shoving under the metaphorical rug for quite some time now. The good news? The blood moon will give you the clarity to do that in a way that won’t destroy your entire life. Exciting, right? Confronting your issues is difficult for even the most aggressive of signs, but for you, gentle Virgo, it feels truly impossible. Take solace in the fact that, in fact, it is not. Be extra kind to yourself this week while you navigate these choppy waters, and focus on how good you’ll feel after it’s all done.


It’s time to get back on that horse, Libra. Or the wagon. Whatever mode of transportation you prefer in this metaphor, hop on it. Recent losses had you thinking you’re never going to get back in the swing of things, but the blood moon brings with it a new perspective. You’ve proved time and time again that anything is possible when you put your mind to it, and this instance is no different. Dust yourself off, hold your head high, maybe take a swig of something alcoholic, and get out there.


You’ve made some changes in your life recently, Scorpio, so this eclipse shouldn’t bring any drastic updates your way. Instead, the blood moon should be offering you clarity on where your path leads next. Deep down you know what it is you want, but maybe you haven’t yet had the resolve to commit to it. Well guess what, bitch? It’s time to commit. Half the battle is in making the choice to actually do something. But once you’ve done that, you’ll be ready to put in the work to make it happen.


This week you may find yourself thinking about people you haven’t spoken to in a while, for better or for worse. Annoying, I know. Blame the blood moon. If it’s someone who you’ve cut ties with for very real and reasonable reasons, don’t feel like you need to reach out. The eclipse may have you feeling nostalgic, but that doesn’t mean it’s something you have to pursue. However, if you find yourself thinking about people you miss and just fell out of contact with, don’t hesitate to shoot them a text. For all you know, they’re thinking about you too. Word of warning: even when it’s positive, reconciliation can be awkward, so if you feel the urge to start mending some bridges, make sure you prepare yourself for the possibility that it gets weird.


Believe it or not, Capricorn, but this blood moon will have you contemplating the idea that you may work too much. Sounds familiar, right? Probably because every single person in your life has been telling you the same thing for the last infinity years. The fact that you’re even recognizing it is a huge step forward, so follow this feeling and see where it takes you. You won’t believe the number of things that can fill your day when you stop working yourself to death, be it hobbies, relationships, or some goddamn peace and quiet.


In the single most Aquarius move of all time, you kicked off your season on a Super Wolf Blood Moon. We get it, you live for the drama. Well lucky for you, there’s more on the way. You’ve spent the last few weeks wrestling with a decision that you know is going to make waves, and the eclipse will finally bring the clarity you need to make your move. It will go against every fiber of your being, but don’t fight it. Deep down you know that big moves are coming your way, and it’s time to accept it. Sit back, relax, enjoy what Aquarius season brings you, and let the change roll through. You may not believe it, but you’ll feel better for it.


It’s time to stop letting your life be governed by the whims of those around you, Pisces. Why not let it be governed by the whims of the moon instead? At least that way you don’t have to deal with the unpredictable decisions of others, who seem to have little to no regard for your way of life. This week the blood moon will bring you the resolve to make the changes you’ve known you needed to make for a while. It may be hard, but it’s time to put yourself first for a change. Those who fight you were never on your side to begin with.

Images: Giphy (5)

Mary Kate Fotch
Mary Kate Fotch
Mary Kate recently moved to Amsterdam, where she spends a good chunk of her time trying to not die on a bike. She was forced to develop a sense of humor at an early age for many reasons, not the least of which being that she grew up with the name Mary Kate during the Olsen twin era. Follow her on Instagram if you're interested almost exclusively in Huji edits or stories about her overweight cat.