Image Credit: Photo by Darina Belonogova via Pexels

WTF Is Intercrural Sex? How To Have Sex With Your Thighs

Okay, let’s talk about something you probably didn’t know had a name: intercrural sex. (Yes, it sounds like a Latin vocab word you forgot to memorize in high school.) Simply put, intercrural sex — or thigh sex — is when a penis goes between someone’s thighs and, well, thrusts its way… well, to the finish line. No penetration, no problem. It’s a sex-adjacent act that can actually be pretty satisfying.

The concept dates back to Ancient Greece (we’ll get into that tea in a sec), but it’s still a thing today. Whether you’re into the idea for health reasons, preference, or just because you’re curious about what your thighs can do besides keep your hands warm, you might realize you’ve been missing out on some serious thigh action.

Are People Actually Having Intercrural Sex?

Yes, people are out here putting their thighs to work. And no, it’s not just something ancient philosophers invented between toga parties and inventing democracy. Intercrural sex has evolved from a historical loophole in Greek power dynamics (anal sex = status issues back then) to a modern option for intimacy without penetration.

For those who might feel uneasy about anal or vaginal penetration (think health conditions like endometriosis or a bad bout of Taco Tuesday regrets), thigh sex offers a friction-friendly alternative. I mean, people have been all over the whole “titjob” thing, so why not thighs?

Plus, it’s not like STIs or STDs are really a threat when you’re just having sex with someone’s thighs. Sure, you’d still want to be mindful of where your *fluids* go, but as far as pregnancy scares or health concerns, intercrural sex is a pretty safe bet. 

Plus, if you’re bored with the same old moves, intercrural sex can bring a unique sensation to the mix. Hairy thighs? Smooth thighs? They both get the job done in their own special way.

Oh, and some gay men, lovingly dubbed “sides” (because they’re neither tops nor bottoms), are all about this. They skip anal penetration altogether and thrive on activities like thigh sex to keep things spicy without the stress.

Does Intercrural Sex Feel Good?

I know what you’re thinking: Does this even feel good? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: It depends on how much effort you’re putting in. Thighs create a unique type of friction that feels amazing against a penis, especially if you’re getting creative with lube and positions. Spooning? Doggy style? Reverse cowgirl? The world is your oyster. 

For maximum pleasure, lube is non-negotiable. Seriously. Silicone-based lubes are a crowd favorite for their long-lasting slipperiness, but oil-based works too (just skip it if you’re using condoms elsewhere in the session). The idea is to keep things comfortable and avoid any unfortunate chafing situations — because the last thing you want after a hot night is to explain why you’re walking like “that.”

If you’re new to this and unsure where to start, just think of it like sexy thigh clapping. Rubbing thighs against genitals during foreplay can ease you into the experience, and once everyone’s ready, it’s all about the rhythm, baby.

Intercrural sex is a real option for people who want to mix things up or avoid penetration altogether.

Syeda Khaula Saad
Syeda Khaula Saad is a sex & dating writer at Betches despite not remembering the last time she was in a relationship. Just take her word for it.