I mean, is there a better week of the year for betches than the week that holds the Fourth of July? No other holiday combines the best weather, the least amount of clothing, the most booze, explosives and a love of America. It’s ideal. This year you’re extra #blessed because the Fourth is a Tuesday, so it’s not like your boss is going to expect you to get any work done as you’re nursing your hangover for three days, so there’s that. As far as all signs go, this week is the exact middle of the calendar year, so your Independence Day hangover process might include some soul searching about what you want to accomplish in the second half of 2017.
It’s, like, a super great time for you to do some mid-year evaluations. TBH, 2017 has been going pretty well for you. That is, until your remember Donald Trump is the President, but like, other than that things are pretty decent. This week is a great time for you to build stronger partnerships in your personal and professional life. Look for ways to strengthen what you’ve already got going. If you have nothing going and seemingly nothing in the works, maybe it’s time you stopped being so passive about the situation and really grab life by the balls. Metaphorically, I mean.
You’re feeling a little Mary Tyler Moore right now in that you’re really trying to make it on your own. Yeah, that reference was super dated (RIP) but her actual theme song was about forging her own way and that’s exactly you right now. Over the last three years, you’ve gone through a major change that left you feeling like you lack or lost a support system. While that can feel really scary and lonely, things are on the uptick and your independent side is really coming out strong starting this week. Soon you’ll really feel like the independent woman who don’t need no man you’ve been claiming to be all this time but not really believing it. Start believing it, honey.
In the true bipolar nature of your sign, this year has been a mix of both good and bad for you. You’ve had some tension in relationships and may have even had to part with someone who wasn’t in your best interest. On the good side of things, this year has overall been pretty fun with parties and friends and general social occasions. With Venus in your sign right now, though, you’re feeling and looking hot, at least. Time to show off that American Flag bikini, right?
You’ve been busting your ass to make the best out of every situation this year and things are looking really good for you. Your relationship with significant others and roommates is actually super decent and your parents love you more than ever. I’d say your mid-year eval is pretty good. Except you feel like you haven’t had much time for fun and adventure yet this year. Don’t worry, things are looking a lot better and more relaxed for the second half of the year.
Your general delightful disposition has set you up to be in a really good place this year. You’ve done a great job of blocking out the haters, and you are basically a goddamned ray of light and sunshine in your friend group. Like, who doesn’t want to hang out with you? You probably have about a million Fourth of July event invitations. Pick what you’re going to by who invited you and not necessarily the activity. The company you spend the holiday with is more important than the Instagram opportunities you could have. Plus, you need the good vibes and great karma to carry you through the last half of 2017.
Your main goal for the first part of the year has been stability and figuring out how to get a feeling of being settled. In the second half of the year, you’re going to realize that safe and settled is really fucking boring. Over the course of this week you might have a brush with someone who could lead you toward a different and new path. Don’t be a bore whore and fight change just because you’re scared. Things are really shifting for you in part 2 of 2017.
Unlike steady Virgo, the Libra betch’s life has basically been a revolving door of change. It might be short, fleeting relationships or just a lot of moving around in life or your career. Fortunately, with Jupiter in your sign, you’re in for some luck. Whatever you’ve been chasing is getting increasingly closer. In fact, by the time the year is out, you could finally be close to getting what you’ve always wanted. Take this week to enjoy holiday festivities before getting back on the grind next week to really start off Q 3 in the best way possible.
You could say the Scorpio betch isn’t always the best with her funds. The past two years have really been a struggle. Like, is it that important to have a savings account anyway? Fortunately, things are looking up for you in the second half of the year. Lucky Jupiter re-enters your sign in October, meaning you’ll either wise up on how stupid it is to buy bottle service, or you’ll come into some more money somehow. As for the Fourth, maybe don’t blow your entire paycheck on pool floats and margarita mix. Let someone else pitch in on that.
If your life has been amazing or not-so-amazing for the first part of the year, the good news is things are really changing for you as we make our way toward 2018. Yeah, 2018 is coming and I bet you feel really fucking old right now. Anyway, Saturn leaves your sign like, for good, in December. This is totally a good thing. Without Saturn, a lot of roadblocks that made it difficult to always get your way will be out of the picture. As for July 4—you’ll stay popular and busy in the week ahead. Venus is warming up your closest relationships including your interactions in the bedroom. Wink wink.
Jupiter is at the top of your chart RN. That’s kind of a rare thing to happen, but it’s totally good news for a Capricorn. It’s bringing you luck for those that have power over your life, not so much your friends or boyfriend. But your bosses or whomever is running your summer internship is definitely noticing you as the shining star that you are. As we enter the second half of the year, work on moving on from that thing that constantly nags you. Not over your ex? Upset about a friend lying to you? It’s about fucking time to really let that go and let it go for good.
You’re kind of one of the luckiest signs this year. No really, the stars really have given you all the opportunity in the world to have an amazing year. If you did something to fuck that up, that’s on you, boo boo. The second half of the year is still looking charming AF for you. People still like you. You might get promoted or some shit like that. Use this weekend to celebrate really how great you are and how great things have been going for you. Happy birthday, America.
Something major and significant happened for you in the first part of the year. Now that we enter the second half of 2017, it’s time to relish in all your hard work and all you’ve been through and just ride out July-December as casually as possible. Good luck is coming your way and people are more likely to express their appreciation for having you in their life. Amazing, right? Use the Fourth of July week as a new jumping point to start in on a new major goal or project. Like, drink and enjoy the holiday, but also get ready for even better things to come for you.