Read: Celebrate National Mean Girls Day With This Grool Drinking Game
If you didn’t know that today was Mean Girls day, two questions for you. 1) Why are you so dedicated to shoving your head up your ass and 2) what are you doing on this website??? Go watch Mean Girls 600 times and get back to me.
Anyway, even if you didn’t already know this, I can pretty much guarantee you’re going to be psyched about this news: Tina Fey, queen of amazing ideas, and the reason we’re all able to celebrate Mean Girls today, she’s decided to help you celebrate in a truly inspired fashion.
On a traveling Mean Girls food truck (hello? Did anyone even know this existed?), Tina Fey’s been rolling around Manhattan handing out cheese fries to people buying tickets for the upcoming Mean Girls musical. Brilliant marketing ploy for what’s basically a dead art her musical? Check. Pettily fattening up her annoyingly skinny teenage fans? Probably not intentional, because Tina Fey genuinely seems better than that, but check. And most importantly, giving you the best possible mid-work drunchie (if you haven’t been drinking since 10am, you’re doing this holiday wrong) AND selfie opportunity you’ll see for weeks? Motherfucking check.
Final note: please don’t even bring up your “diet” right now. It’s been a shitty week and a shitty year, and I think we all need to take a leaf out of Tina’s book (I’m honestly not sure that’s a saying but it sounds mostly right and I’m trying to get this out ASAP so you don’t miss your cheese fry opportunity) and just embrace the edible joy that is cheese. Regina George knew it, and you’re straight-up lying if you say you don’t want to be at least a little more like her. NYC Betches, haul ass to this truck’s next location immediately.
If you don’t live in New York but still want to celebrate Mean Girls Day (why wouldn’t you?) then you’re in luck. With Shop Betches’ two oversize T-shirt dresses, I’m A Mouse Duh and Boo You Whore, you can celebrate Mean Girls Day from wherever you are. These super comfy T-shirt dresses are here just in time for every Mean Girls fan’s favorite holiday: Halloween. Buy them now because last year they sold out super fast.