Praise the lord, our prayers have been answered: Peter Kraus is returning to The Bachelor, and it’s happening sooner than you think. No, Peter isn’t replacing Arie as the next Bachelor—filming is sadly very much under way, and I don’t think even ABC producers are that cold-hearted—but he will be appearing on The Bachelor Winter Games. And just like that, I’ve miraculously regained my will to live.
Mike Fleiss is apparently on somewhat of a Twitter rampage—I wonder if his account is run by our president?—because he’s been tweeting nonstop for the past 15 hours or so about Bachelor-related news. Also like our president, much of what he’s been saying has been completely nonsensical. For instance, he tweeted, “I will be looking for Hot Chocolate on #TheBachelor Winter Games”. Like… okay. What does that mean? Are we supposed to care about Mike Fleiss’ choice in hot beverages (it’s mulled wine or nothing, BTW)? Or is this some weirdly veiled and kinda racist way of hinting that Kenny and Eric might be on the show? Someone please advise.
Anyway, in the midst of all that nonsense, Mike Fleiss also tweeted something very important. Something about Peter. Brace yourselves and get a change of underwear ready, because Peter is coming back to your television. Here’s what the Almighty Fleiss had to say:
So blessed. So moved. So grateful. Can’t believe this is my life. Never going to take it for granted. Always going to give back. Thank you.
We don’t know a whole lot about The Bachelor Winter Games. We know it’s going to have old fan favorites from past seasons, and even people from Bachelor franchises in other countries (which, in my opinion, is lame but nobody asked me). Contestants will compete in winter themed games, and finding love will be involved somehow. So basically it’s going to be the poor man’s Bachelor in Paradise. With some relay races. Oh, and it will premiere in February 2018. That’s basically it.
Whatever. As long as Peter is there and he hasn’t gotten his gap fixed, I’m in.