Nicki Minaj Had The Most Savage Response To Cardi B

Nicki Minaj has been the queen of rap for nearly a decade (don’t @ me), and in that time, she’s rarely let us down. Thus, when the news broke about Nicki and Cardi B’s altercation at the Harper’s Bazaar fashion week party, I knew Nicki wouldn’t stay silent for long. (Side note: I still can’t believe any of this actually happened. We are truly blessed, what can I say?) Well, the Queen has spoken, and it was worth the wait.

On Monday, she was hosting her radio show on Beats 1 (who knew Nicki Minaj had a radio show?), and she had some things to say about her issues with Cardi. Grab the popcorn, because this sh*t is more entertaining than Avatar. 

“You’re angry and you’re sad. This is not funny. Get this woman some f*cking help. This woman’s at the highest point in her career and she’s throwing shoes?”

I’m a big fan of the use of “this woman.” Nicki doesn’t have the time of day to even utter Cardi’s name, and I’m totally here for the cattiness. Nicki obviously doesn’t love getting shoes thrown at her, but she also claims that all of Cardi B’s accusations are lies:

“I would never ridicule anyone’s child. [It’s] so sad for someone to pin that on somebody. I would never talk about anyone’s child or parenting. These lies are ridiculous.”

I love Nicki Minaj, but I have a feeling she’s glossing over some things here. We don’t know the whole backstory of what’s gone down with Cardi and Nicki, but I doubt Cardi just made these things up out of thin air. There are three sides to every story, and baby Kulture is still a little young to tell hers.

Now, let’s get to the best part of this entire thing. After talking about how she would neeeeever speak ill of an innocent child, Nicki had some cute last words for Cardi:

“You put your hands on certain people, you gonna die. Period.”

AHHHHHHH. What does it mean? Are you scared? I’m scared!!! We already know Nicki is out to get Kylie and Stormi after they rudely stopped her from having a number one album (my favorite conspiracy theory of the year), and now Cardi and her daughter might just be next on the hit list. Watch your backs, ladies! Is this the beginning of World War 3? Will there be diss tracks? Stay tuned, because I have a feeling all of this is just getting started.

Dylan Hafer
Dylan Hafer has watched over 1000 episodes of Real Housewives because he has his priorities in order. Follow him on Instagram @dylanhafer and Twitter @thedylanhafer for all the memes you could ever want.