Image Credit: Betches

Madison LeCroy Is Most Likely To Help Their Ex Find A New Girlfriend

If I ever moved to Charleston, South Carolina, I’d assume everyone there looks and acts like Madison LeCroy. She comes into the Betches office in what feels like a puff of pink smoke (though it was likely just hairspray). The Southern Charm star is as blonde and bold as it gets; no one’s wondering how she’s cemented herself as a Bravoleb. She started on the series during season 6 in 2019 when she was dating cast member Austen Kroll, but has since become a staple herself.

Madison is the type who can hold her own and get the attention of the room by just breathing, making her a perfect inductee to our Hall of Betches.



Image Credit: Betches

What was your go-to lunch when you were a kid?

Tuna salad. Isn’t that terrible? It was embarrassing. It’s like you’re the kid that’s bringing the tuna sandwich to class, but I didn’t give a shit. I liked it.

Terrible? No. Relatable? As fuck. If you were on death row, what’s your death row meal?

I am a steak and potatoes girl, all day long.

Easy. What was your biggest fashion regret as a kid?

It was more of the hairstyle. I had the bowl cut situation. I think it’s kind of trending right now, but yeah.

No, it’s (unfortunately?) making a comeback… which leads me to: Is there a fashion trend though, from when you were younger, that you wish would make a comeback?

I feel like they’re all coming back. Maybe that’s hard to say because I’m like the jelly shoes were honestly one of my favorites.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done to impress a crush?

There’s so many embarrassing things. I’m just trying to narrow it down. I would say I would take photos and I would print them out and put them in a frame and put it in my room. And then when we were dating, that was like, “Look, I have our picture…this is serious. We’re next level.” And then another boy would come over and I’d hide it, and I’d be like, “Oh, I’m sorry, I took it to show my mom to go visit.” And they’re like, “Okay.” Also, I was actually doing that in my 20s. I’m not really a kid.

That is next level commitment. If you could have a dream dinner party, who would be there?

Well, after seeing Naomi Campbell last night, I’m like, “I want to know all of your secrets.” She looked fabulous. Kim Kardashian, obviously, because I just love her. Khloé, for sure. I’m trying to think. Who else do I really love? Lana Del Rey. I love her because I feel like she’s MIA, nobody knows if… She’s this mystery person, so I’d love to dab into that.

How fabulous. Be honest, how often do you Google yourself?

Well, I don’t have to Google it because I have Google Alert, so it literally pops up and that’s just to play it safe. So if there are any bad rumors, you’re like, “Shut that down please.” Cease and desist is coming your way.

Yessss, take the work out of it! What was the last thing you searched on Google?

Let’s see. Oh God, I’m scared…. “You made it” captions about life. And then a lot of Tracy Anderson Google searches… Goals.

Last question: If you could write the headline to this article, what would it be? Just an article about you.

Main Bitch Energy.

Southern Charm airs Thursdays at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo.

Steph Perlman
Steph Perlman is Betches' Entertainment Editor. She's a Kardashian historian, Real Housewives enthusiast, and Pete Davidson apologist.