Remember that whole health care bill thing that happened a while back? How it was like, really bad but the House still passed it and then everyone was like, “Oh well the Senate won’t pass it!” Well the Senate is passing it. Silently. And soon. Like, before the July 4th recess soon. And the shadiness does not stop there. Republicans are literally not showing us what is in the bill. You wouldn’t let a fuckboy refuse to show you who he’s been texting all night, so why would you let your own Senators refuse to show you what’s in a bill that restructures ⅙ of the economy and could through twenty million people off of their health insurance?
Last night Democrats in the Senate held the floor in an attempt to bring this bill out into the open, but the bottom line is that Republicans DGAF unless these actions are accompanied by immense pressure from their constituents. That’s where you come in.
Here’s What You Can Do:
1. Call your senators. I know that calling people on the phone sucks, but if Rachel could talk to Whaboom for two episodes, you can talk to your Senator’s intern for two seconds. Use the Indivisible Guide’s script so you know what to say, and it’s literally just reading. You know how to read. You’re reading this right now.
2. If you want to pack an extra punch, call your senator’s health care staffer directly. You’ll more than likely be sent to a voicemail box. It’s wayyy easier than talking to a real human, and your message is going to get directly to the person handling this issue. If you live in NV, AK, ME, OH, WV, AZ or CO, you could literally make a difference (and then spend the rest of your life bragging about said difference to everyone you meet).
3. If calling someone is just not possible for you—maybe you’re a mermaid who sold your voice to a witch in exchange for a boyfriend—text ‘Resist’ to 504-09 and Resistbot will walk you through how to contact your Senator via text. Then start blowing them up like they’re your ex and you’re blackout drunk.
Depressed af reading about this news? Sames, but watch our hilarious video below for a little bit of comic relief #LaughingThroughThePain
And if all of this is literally news to you, like yesterday you told your sister “The Senate can’t just pass a health care bill in secret and my senators won’t do anything about it” (speaking for a friend…) then you REALLY need to sign up for The ‘Sup, our thrice weekly newsletter. We break down WTF is happening in politics in a way that’s funny and relatable so shit like this doesn’t catch you by surprise. So sign up so you can like, realize stuff. Not to be dramatic, but the fate of our country kinda depends on it. Sign up below!