Corinne from The Bachelor is many things: multimillion-dollar business owner, bouncy house straddler, and most importantly, Queen of Naps. That last point is indisputable. This betch can throw down when it comes to having a lie down. She’s the only woman in Bachelor history that has missed a rose ceremony, and of course, it was to sleep.
We’re beyond jealous of Corinne’s ability to deal with stressful situations in the same way an opossum would: by passing the fuck out—or at least, pretending to. In any case, we’re here to honor her today by giving you an official ranking of her best naps. After all, Abraham Lincoln and Michael Jordan took naps. It’s a sign of being a true champion.
5. The (Almost) Beach Nap
OK so technically Corinne never actually PTFO’d on the beach in St. Thomas so this is kind of a theoretical ranking because we assume she definitely hit the sheets as soon as she could. She did say she wanted a nap whist throwing back tequila shots. We’ll award this an honorary nap mention.
4. The Group Date Nap
During week three, Corinne was out-shined by Danielle L. during the Backstreet Boys group date. Boo hoo. She got some decent alone time with Nick despite being totally shitty at “planned dancing”. Her interview with producers during the date must have been very emotionally exhausting because she got up to go nap… and then actually napped on a group date. I mean, more power to her. I’d nap too if that was how I could escape mundane small-talk with a group of bitches I care nothing about.
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3. The Pool Party Nap
When Nick decided to forgo a traditional cocktail party in favor of scamming on the women’s bodies—er, I mean, a pool party—Corinne took the opportunity to host a dry hump-fest inside an inflatable castle. #Goals. Aparently all of that grinding was exhausting, because after her literal one-on-one time with Nick, she excused herself to her bedroom for yet another nap. It would have been a great nap too if Taylor and Sarah didn’t interrupt to let her know that she’s, like, really privileged. Those bitches.
2. The Post-Shark Cheese Nap
After another exhausting group date of fighting for her life swimming with sharks, we all knew what time it was (nap time, for the people in the back). Corinne did what she usually does and passed the fuck out on the couch with her ass hanging out. So what to Raven and Kristina do? Leave her alone and continue going about their business put cheese on her head. I’m sorry, are we in the Bachelor mansion or a frat house?
1. The Rose Ceremony Nap
YAS Queen. If you want to take a nap instead of getting dressed up and attending a boring-ass rose ceremony when you already have a rose, you do you. Let’s be honest, she was probably coming down off an insane sugar high from all of that whipped cream. She also had a good cry when Nick wouldn’t stick it in her despite her best trench-coated efforts. Nothing soothes the soul from rejection/not getting rejected like a good nap.